The American world champion 2 times Edwin Bruce Kantar (1932-2022), known as Eddie Kantar, in his book "Roman Keycard Blackwood" - based in the Roman Key Card Blackwood created by Italian team in years 60 - develop a strutured sequence of bids to search partner's hand to know about the possession of Aces, Kings, Queens and second-third control. So here we resume these rules that we recommend to be used "slowly" by parnership, when in approximation to Slam, until both partners have a full domination of this great convention.

To search partner's hand first we ask for keycards (4 aces and trump's King) bidding 4nt when major agreed suit is established directly or indirectly - for minors agreed it is different and also a few complicated - and there are two convention for responses:
1430 asked by the strong hand == 0314 asked by the weak hand 
step1= 1 or 4 keycards;             == step1= 0 or 3 keycards;
step2= 0 or 3 keycards;             == step2= 1 or 4 keycards;
step3= 2 keycards no Queen     == step3= 2 keycards no Queen
step4= 2 keycards with Queen. == step4= 2 keycards with Queen
As you see both convention is on and the Asker if strong use 1430 but if Asker is the weak hand use 0314.

What is a "Strong Hand" or a "Weak Hand"
Strong hand is the player that opens in 1nt, 2nt, 2(GF) or reverse or jump to show a game force (GF).
Weak hand is the player that opens with a preemptive hand or opens at level 1 in a suit but do not jumps or reverses during the auction or is just a Responder after partner opening.
When it is not clear in the auction who is the strong hand select the player that ask for keycards as the strong hand.

Why Kantar propose to use both: 1430 and 0314?
Kantar knowing that more often the strong hand has 3 keycards and the weak hand just 1, but may have the trump's Queen, has concluded that strong hand should use 1430 when asking for keycards because then the response often will be in first step (for majors agreed 5) and next suit will be used to ask for trump's Queen with maximum save of space,

How Kantar expanded the responses for Queen-ask?
For the Queen-ask, to otimize room, Kantar makes a integration of the confirmation of the Queen with the response, up the line, of the cheapest King that the hand may have, so gaining room to searching more.

Of course sometimes it is the weak hand that asks for keycards (rare example is when partner opens in 1nt and you "the weak hand" have 18 hcp!!). But in general the player that ask for keycards is the strong hand.

After keycards searched the Asker may continuing to search asking for:
-1- the Queen (Queen-ask) and sign-off if Queen is missing;
-2- Specific King Ask (SKA) if already has the Queen;
-3- Specific Suit Suit (SSA) if want to know second-third control.

1- Asking for the Queen - after major agreement
Rule#1: When the answer for keycards does not clarify the possession or exclusion of the Queen then bidding NEXT SUIT asks for the Queen and the responses are:
- partner denies the Queen returning to the agreed trump's suit and this  aborts the search for SKA or SSA - when fit is 10+ cards response for the Queen should be positive;
- partner confirms the Queen when his response is 5nt but denies a side-suit King;
- partner confirms the Queen and shows, up the line, the cheapest King when bids a different suit;
- partber confirms the Queen and shows all remaining 3 Kings bidding 6nt.
example1: Queen-ask with King
Opener:  AKJxx AQJxx Ax x
Opener Responder
  1       2nt  <= Jacoby - 4+ is the agreed suit and 12-16 hcp
  4nt  <= RKB1430 for Spades (Opener take charge of the bidding)
             5 <= 1 or 4 keycard (assume 1)
  5    <= next suit is Queen-ask
          5 <= returning to agreed suit denies the Queen
          5 <= yes I have the Queen with K
         5nt <= yes I have the Queen but no Kings
          6 <= yes I have the Queen with K but not K
          6 <= yes I have the Queen with K but not K and not K
         6nt <= yes I have the Queen and all 3 others Kings.

Then Opener decides based in chances of success:
Chances in drop the Queen in a 9 cards fit are:
AK432-8765   => 40% for 2-2
AK432-J765   => 53% for singleton Q or 2-2
AKJ32-8765   => 53% for singleton Q or 2-2
AKJ102-6543 => 58% for singleton or finesse or 2-2
To bid Grand Slam needs 37 hcp or count 13 tricks or up 70% of chances.
To bid Small Slam - playing IMPs - needs: avaliation on IMPs gain per board so multiply chances of success by IMPs gain and subtract chances for loser multiplied by IMPs gain then if this is positive means you should try the Slam (or game) and if is negative means you should stop in game.
But in general with chances of success up 57% you should try Slam Vul but Grand Slam need high percentage of success and solid trump suit.
a) if needs only trump divided 3-2 for AKQ2-6543 => 67,8%, but if the suit is AKQ10-6543 then increases half of Jxxx (11,32%) more singletons J (5,66%) then chances of success are => 84,85%, but for AKQ10-432 the chances are only for the drop of Jx (16,15%) + Jxx = 51,68%.
b) if needs 1 successful finese in 2 possible - chances are => +-75%
c) if needs 1 finesse of King and Queen drop is 58% chances => 79%
d) if needs 1 finesse of King and Queen drop is 40% chances => 70%
e) if missing an ace and Queen drop of 58% and also a finesse of King then percentages are multiplied (50% of 58%) => 29%
f) if trump suit AKJx-xxx needs finesse more 3-3 (50% of 36%)=>18% 
g) if missing an ace and needs trump 2-2 chances are only => 40,7% 
- If the answer is 5, that denies the Queen, knowing partner has the ace of Clubs and 9 cards fit with AKJ (53% in chances that Queen drops) Opener should try Slam bidding 6;
- If the answer is 5 that confirms the Queen and shows the King of Hearts Opener should bid 7 (of course Opener should search for the King of Diamonds as we will explain in continuation);
- If the answer is 5nt, that confirms the Queen but denies all kings, partner's hands should be something like this:
     QJxx xx QJx AQJx
and now contract depends on a King finesse successful to make Slam, but pass in 5nt may be worst thant bid 6 after a dangerous Clubs lead;
- If the answer is 6 that is the confirmation of the Queen denying the King of Hearts and showing the King of Clubs for our discard of the loser diamonds we must stop in 6 because it is not a good ideia bid a Grand Slam depending on Hearts finesse having sure game+Small Slam.
- If the answer is 6 again without the King Hearts we should stop the bidding in 6. Partner bidding Jacoby denies singleton Hearts.
- If the answer is 6nt showing all Kings and the trump's Queen in a MP context we should bid 7nt seeing partners's hand like:
    Qxxx Kx Kxx AKxx

      Opener: K10xx x AKJxx Ax
Responder: AQJ9x xxx Qx 8xx
Opener Responder
  1        1
  3 <= splinter singleton Hearts with 4 cards support
........................  What should be the Responder bids?
........................  3 is sign-off and 4 only shows good Spades
........................  Let's imagine Opener's hand: after the splinter
........................  probable 5431 with 5 and Kxxx range 14-16 hcp
........................  but if Opener has A we can make 5+5+1 and a
........................  ruff in Hearts. So our best bid is to show our honor
........................  in Diamonds denying Clubs cuebid bidding 4.
..........   4 <= support cuebid - bypass Clubs control
 4nt <= RKB1430 for Spades
..........   5  <= 1 keycard A - no one will try Slam without Q
 5  <= Queen-ask
..........   5nt <= confirm Queen but denies side-suit King
 6       pass

2- Asking for King - after major agreement
Rule#2: When the agreed trump suit is a major, after asking for keycards, 5nt may be used for Specific Kings Ask (SKA) - not for the number of Kings - but for the cheapest King up the line. Then after the answer we can also make a second SKA bidding the suit of the King we want to know:
example3: asking for second King
Opener: Ax QJ10xx AJx AQx
Opener Responder
  1        3 splinter showing 4+ cards support up to 15 hcp
 4nt  <= RKB1430 for
              5 <= 2 keycards and no Queen (so AKxx...)
 5nt  <= Specific King Ask - Opener has the Queen or 6 cards
              6 <= shows K
  6   <= Second SKA (do you also have K?)
              6  return to trump suit => no I don't have K => pass
            6nt  <= yes I have K but not Q => 7 needs a trick in
              7  <= yes I have K with the Q => 7 should make
3- Asking for control in another suit - after major agreement

Rule#3: When we have all 5 keycards and the trump's Queen we may use Specific Suit Ask (SSA) to search a suit thinking in bid a Grand Slam:
SSA have 6 responses possible with room or less without room and SSA allows search for second a third control in a suit:
- Qx or Qxx or Qxxx or just xx (3rd control)
step2- Kxx or Kxxx (2nd control)
step3- Kx (King second)
raise off ask-suit - KQx - (2nd and 3rd control)

jump in trump suit - (singleton) at level 7 need 4 cards support

returning to trump's agreed suit - xxx (nothing).

Rule#4- If the SSA is used in a suit bid by Asker (the ace is known) then the responses are:
step1 - Queen
step2 - King
step3 - KQ
returning to agreed suit - xxx nothing

Opener Resp    Opener     Resp         explanation               
       AQ10xx  KJxx     (1) RKB1430
        4       A            xx         (2) 2 keycards without Queen
  4nt(1) 5(2)  AKxxx    xxx        (3) What you have in Diamonds?
(3)   6(4)  x            AKJ10   (4) no third control

Obs: in (4) if Responder bids 6 dubleton Grand Slam is feasible. The King second step, considering no room - should be bid in 6nt and step3 in 7.

Opener Resp    Opener     Resp       explanation               
       A            Qxxxx   (1) RKB1430
        4       AKJ82    Q9x       (2) 1 keycards
  4nt(1) 5(2)  AQxxx    x            (3) Do you have the Queen?
(3)   6(4)  xx          AKxx     (4) Yes with K and no K
(5)   6(6)  ..........................     (5) SSA for Diamonds
  pass     .....................................     (6) no K and deny singleton
              .....................................          because has only 3 cards

Opener Resp    Opener  Resp         explanation               
(1)   AQ      x              (1) transfer
(2)  4nt
(3)  AJ82   K109xxx  (2) 16+ with 4 cards
  5(4)  6(5)   AJxx   x               (3) RKB0314 weak hand asking
(6)  pass     Jxx     AK109x    (4) 3 keycards
   .....................................     (5) SSA for Clubs
              .....................................     (6) no third control xxx
              .....................................     If
Qxx ou dubleton 7 is feasible

Considerations: When the agreed suit is a minor there are no room at level 5 to use the Kantar's structured bids for searching partner's hand and so the RKB must start at level 4.

Rule#5: After an agreement at level 2 (inverted minors no GF) for a minor suit the follow up RKB1430 for Clubs is 4
and for Diamonds is 4 as long as it is done in jump by Opener or by Responder:
Opener Responder            Opener Responder
       2  <= 10+ hcp      1       2 <=10+ hcp
  4 <= RKB1430                4
  <= RKB1430
Opener Responder            Opener Responder
  1       2                           1
  2any   4 <= RKB1430      2any   4
<= RKB1430
Note: these RKB  use always 1430 convention.

Rule#6: If the responses of RKB1430 for minor was 4 or 4
then in continuation to search partern's hand the Asker may use 4nt to ask for Kings or may use the bid of next suit to Queen-ask integrated with the response of the cheapest King.
Opener Responder              Opener Responder
  1       2  <= 10+ hcp       1        2 <=10+ hcp
  4 <= RKB1430                 4
  <= RKB1430
<= 1 keycard                 4 <= 1 keycard
<= zero or 3                  4 <= zero or 3
             4 <= 2 and no Q   4nt <= King-ask if 4

  4nt <= King-ask                4nt <= Queen-ask if 4
Note: 4nt have three meanings depending on the response for keycards
1- after a keycard response of zero keycards 4nt is to play;
2- after a keycard response of 4
or 4 the 4nt is SKA
3- after a keycard response 4
that says zero or 3 without Queen then 4nt is SKA because Queen is already known but if 4 is a keycard response showing zero or 3 then Queen is unknown so 4nt is Queen-ask. That means Queen-ask is more priority than SKA.

On the other hand, when the responses for keycards is 4nt or 5
the Specific King Ask can't be used in 5nt because this bid is reserved for a general cuebid (Grand Slam try) where Asker says to his partner that all keycards and the Queen are resolved and now he is asking if partner'a hand have some undisclosed extra like the Queen from a first suit bid or a singleton not mentioned in the auction or a 6 cards length to improve the chances of the success in a Grand Slam. Of course if partner has a flat hand 4333 this is a big negative distribution and so must denies the try for Grand Slam.

Furthermore, if you think in use 5nt to asking for Kings when the agreed suit is a minor you may bypass the agreed suit and push the contract to level 7 maybe missing a important King.

Of course after RKB response the Queen-ask is on and the bid of a new suit is Specific Suit Ask, both good tools for searching the hand.

Another point aparently strange, but logical, is the fact that RKB for minors sometimes will be bided in a high-ranking suit than 4
/4 to avoid confusion or ambiguity when partnership are just competing for a partial score or making a invitation or yet making a sign-off.

So when the Asker needs to make a RKB at level 4 he must exclude the suits already bid by himself or by partner to avoid a confusion between RKB-ask and shows a solid suit or a retarded support. Curiously when Hearts and Spades are suits already bid then RKB should be bid in 4nt that is a way to waste room for others searchea.

Rule#7: When the agreed suit is a minor we ask for keycards bidding the agreed minor suit at level 4 and then 4nt may be SKA if the answer in keycards for Clubs was 4 (then 4 is for Queen-ask) or 4 (then Queen denied) in keycard answer for Diamonds.
Opener Responder
  1        2  <= inverted minors 10+ hcp
  4  <= RKB1430 for Clubs and responses are:
              4 <= 1 or 4 keycards
              4 <= 0 or 3 keycards
              4 <= 2 keycards and no Queen
             4nt <= 2 keycards with Queen
So after 4 response or 4
or 4 we ask for Kings bidding 4nt
Opener Responder
 4nt       ? <= SKA after 4
or 4
             5 <= return to agreed suit is no King
             5 <= shows K
             5 <= shows K and denies K
             5 <= shows K and denies K and K
            5nt <= shows all 3 remainders Kings.

Opener Responder
  1        2  <= inverted minors 10+ hcp
  4  <= RKB1430 for Diamonds and responses are:
              4 <= 1 or 4 keycards
              4 <= 0 or 3 keycards
             4nt <= 2 keycards and no Queen
              5 <= 2 keycards with Queen
So after 4 response we ask for Kings bidding 4nt
But after 4 4nt is reserved for Queen-ask and there are no SKA
Opener Responder
 4nt       ?  <= SKA only after 4
             5 <= return to agreed suit is no King
             5 <= shows K
             5 <= shows K and denies K
             5 <= shows K and denies K and K
            5nt <= shows all 3 remainders Kings.

Rule#8: Alert - after an opening in a minor the directly response in 4C it is not asking for keycards but just Gerber asking only for aces:
Opener Responder
D   4C <= asking for aces
and the responses are: 4
D= 0 or 4 aces; 4= 1; 4= 2; 4nt= 3.
after response there are no more Gerber continuation, so any bid from Responder is conclusive (sign-off)
Example of special hands that you may have as Responder:
a) x AKz x AKQ98xxx  and partner's opening was 1
b) KQJ10543 AK KJ3 2  and partner's opening was 1
c) 5 A KQJ109xxx Kxx and partner's opening was 1
Thus if you want to know only aces you need to use Gerber.

Rule#9: To avoid ambiguity the bid of the agreed suit at level 4 asks for keycard only after a jump or a splinter GF, else it is a sign-off by Responder showing 10-11 hcp or may be an invitation by Opener. So to avoid this ambiguity the RKB asking for keycards in the second or third round should be done in the next suit (of the agreed suit at level 4) when it is a suit not bid by Opener.
Opener Responder
D       2D <= inverted minors 10+ hcp
<= shows stopper in
and denies in 13+ hcp      
  .......... 3
C <= shows stopper in Clubs but indefined strength
  3D <= denies stopper in
- not forcing (13-14 hcp)
  .........  ?
  .........  pass <= also not stopper in Hearts and 10-11 hcp
  ------  3nt <= shows stopper in Hearts and 12+ hcp
  .........  4
D  <= invitation to 5D
  .........  4
  <= RKB1430 try to Slam (Hearts unbid suit)
  .........  4
  <= I can play in Spades Hxx or in 5D
  ------.  5D  <= to play

Opener Responder
  1C       2C <= inverted minors 10+ hcp
<= shows stopper in and denies in Diamons - 13+ hcp
           3D <= shows stopper in D and denies in Spades
C <= denies stopper in - not forcing
  .........   ?
           pass <= minimum 10-11 hcp
  <= RKB1430 for Clubs good hand 18+ hcp
  <= I can play in Hearts Hxx or in 5C
C  <= good hand to play in 5C - 13-17 hcp

Rule#10: After a minor suit is agreed if there are interference at level 3 the agreed suit bidded at level 4 is now just competitive (non forcing) for the partial score, not more a RKB.
Thus to ask for RKB it is necessary a jump in the interfered suit + 1:
if interference was in 3
D then RKB is now bidded at 4;
if interference was in 3 then RKB is now bidded at 4;
if interference was in 3 then RKB is now bidded at 4nt.

example11  interference and all no Vul
Opener Opponent1 Responder Opponent2
D        pass           2D              3 <= preemptive
 pass <= weak hand - 2+ losers
 double <= honors in Hearts - possible 3 cards in Diamonds
<= good hand - cuebid - shorter in Hearts
 3nt <= to play 14+ hcp
C <= 5D5C shorter in Hearts
D <= weak hand 5D and shorter in invitation
<= cuebid - ask for Spades cuebid
<= RKB1430 for Diamonds - strong hand

exemple12   interference and we Vul they nVul
Opener Opponent1 Responder Oppoent2
C         pass           2C              3 <= preemptive
 pass      pass           ?
 .............................  pass <= weak hand and no shorteness in

 ............................. double <= punitive - honors in
 .............................  3nt <= to play
 .............................  4
C <= sign-off only 10-11 hcp
 .............................  4nt <= RKB1430 for Clubs

Rule#11: In a 2/1 GF sequence when Opener support Responder's minor suit at level 3 - of course GF - then the rebid of the minor at level 4 by Responder is RKB1430.
Opener Responder
1major   2
  3C         4C <= RKB1430
Opener Responder
1major   2
  3D         4D
<= RKB1430

A9xxx Kxx KQxx
Responder: Qx AQx AJ1097
Opener Responder        Opener                Responder
       4 <= RKB1430 for      Explanation
  5(1)  5
<= SSA for        1- 4th step - 2 keycards with Queen
(2) pass  <= no King   2- returning to agreed suit = no K  

 Opener:  xxx Jxx Axx AKQs
 AK A KQ98xxx Cxxx
Opener   Responder                         
C         1   
       2 <= reverse 54 false        Explanation
  3(1)   4 <= RKB1430                 (1) agreement suit   
 4nt(2)   5C <= SSA in Clubs   
       (2) 3rd step - 2 keycard no Queen
C(3)  7nt <= 13 tricks counted   (3) raise off asked suit means 
 pass                                                     KQx so AKQ in Clubs

AJ9x xx KJ10 KJ98
Kxx AKxx x
Opener  Responder     
C        1             
        2  <= fourth suit GF        Explanation
 2nt        3
C  <= agreement for C    (1) 3rd step - 2 keycard no Queen
 3nt        4C  <= RKB1430 in Clubs   
(1)    6C  <= missing 1 keycard

Rule#12: In a 2/1 GF sequence when the opening is a major and after the second suit of Opener and the second suit of Responde become the agreed minor at level 4 then RKB1430 is made in the next suit and 4nt is a cuebid in RKB-suit.
So for Clubs agreed suit the RKB is in 4
and the cuebid in 4nt shows honors in Diamonds denying honors in the unbid major.
For Diamonds agreed suit the RKB is in 4
denying and 4nt is cuebid in Hearts denying Spades control.
This convention is very important because it alerts partnership to avoid bid a Slam missing A and K from the same suit. This means that we only should bid RKB having first or second control in the unbid major.

      Opener: AKJ9xx x 4 AQ982                     
 xx KQ9xx Kx CKJxx
Opener   Responder
         2 <= 2/1 GF                        Explanation
C         4C <= agrement for Clubs    (1) RKB1430 for Clubs    
(1)    4(2)                                    (2) 1 keycard
C(3)    pass                                      (3) missing 2 keycard

 Opener: Kx xx AQ4 AQ9872  
 AQxxx xx Kx
Opener   Responder
         1                                   Explanation
C         4C <= agrement for C    (1) cuebid for Diamonds    
(1)  5C(2)                              denying control for Hearts
pass                                            (2) also no Hearts control  
Note: here 4
is RKB but without first or second control in Hearts the correct bid is a cuebid to avoid go to Slam missing A and K.

AKQxx x 4 AKJ98x  
 x QJ9xx AK98x CQx
Opener   Responder
         1                                         Explanation
  2         3 <= 4th suit GF         (1) reverse 6
(1)    4 <= agreement       (2) RKB1430 for Clubs
4(2)    4(3)                            (3) 1 keycard  
  4(4)    5(5)                            (4) Queen-ask
C         pass                              (5) confirms Queen with K

AKxxx KQxx 764 x  
 x xx AKJ1098 CAxx
Opener   Responder
         2                                  Explanation
         3                      (1) not RKB just agreement to   
(1)    4nt(2)                (2) RKB1430 Note that bidding
5C(3)    6                       Hearts or Spades will be sign-off
  pass                                (3) 1 keycards
Note: after minor agreement RKB is in the unbid major suit, but when both majors are already bid RKB must be in 4nt and that does not allow room for Queen-ask. But against our perception this Small Slam depending on Queen it is yet a good negociation for IMPs because for Vul we gain:
- in case of success 1370 - 600 = 770 (profit) => 13 imps
  and with 58% for the Queen drop we 0,58 x 13 = 7,54 IMPs per board
- in case of down 1 opponents will gain =>
   -100(down 1) - 600(game) = 700 => 12 imps
  and with  (100-58)% the chances for down 1
  we have 0,42 x 12 = 5,04 IMPs per board
- this means that 7,54 - 5,04 = 2,5 IMPs per board of advantage!

Rule#13: After RKB response if Asker bids the agreed suit it is sign-off, but by logic there are an exception, if the response shows 3 keycards. then the bid of the agreed suit is not sign-off anymore, it is a Queen-Ask.

Rule#14: When the response of keycards does not denies or ensures the possession of trump's Queen (first and second steps of 1430 or 0314)  Asker bidding the next suit is a Queen-ask and the responses are:
- 4nt denies the possession of trump's Queen
- 5 of agreed suit shows trump's Queen but denies a side-suit King;
- bidding a different suit from agreed suit confirm trump's Queen and shows the cheapest King up the line:
  If 5
=> 5 shows King Diamonds
shows King Hearts and denies K
shows King Spades and denies K and K
  If 5
=> 5 shows King Hearts
shows King Spades and denies K
                 6 shows King Clubs and denies
K and K.
When the response of RKB is 4
the priority for what means 4nt in this sequence (SKA or Queen-ask) is for Queen-ask and responses are:
- bidding the agreed suit at level 5 (5
/5) denies the Queen;
- bidding a different suit confirms the Queen and shows the cheapest King up the line;

- bidding the agreed suit at level 6 confirm trump's Queen and denies a side-suit King
- biddint 5nt confirm the

Opener   Responder   ---       Opener   Responder
          2                ---        1           2
 4 RKB  4 <=1        ---         4
RKB   4 <= 1
 4 <= Queen-ask     ---         4
<= Queen-ask
Opener  Responder   ---        Opener  Responder
         2                ---         1         2
 2any     4 <= RKB   ---        2any      4
 4 <=1 4 <= Queen-ask     4 <=1  4
<= Queen-ask
  ?                                            ?

After RKB, if possible, 4nt is a Specific King Ask (SKA)
Opener Responder
  4 <= RKB1430 for - strong hand
............  4 <= 1 keycard
............  4
<= 0 or 3 keycards
 4nt  <= Ask for Specific King
  5  <= Queen-ask after 4  (after 4 Queen-ask is 4)
  5  <= sign-off

  <= Specific Suit Ask (SSA) for Hearts
  <= SSA for Spades
  <= to play

Opener Responder
   4 <= RKB1430 for - strong hand
--------  4nt <= 2 keycards without trump's Queen        
............  5  <= 2 keycards with trump's Queen 
   5  <= SSA for Hearts
  <= SSA for Spades
  5nt <=
in this sequence 5nt is not asking for King but just showing
              all keycards and trying to bid Grand Slam if Responder has
              good hand with some extras

After response for RKB or response for a Queen-ask, the bid of the agreed suit is sign-off but the bid of another suit is a Specific Suit Ask (SSA) that wants to know the second or third controls in this specific suit and the responses are:

step1 => Qxx or dubleton (third control)
step2 => Kxx or Kxxx (second control)
step3 => Kx or KQx (second and third  control)
jump to the asked suit => singleton (need 4 cards trump or no control)
return to agreed suit => no control xxx (3 losers)  

example20 missing the trump's Queen and 1 keycard
 x KQJx AKxx AKxx 
 KQx Axx Qx J10xxx
Opener Responder                 
C       2C <= 10+ hcp 
  4C   <= RKB1430
             4D <= 1 or 4 keycards (assume 1)
   <= partner do you have trump's Queen
  .......... 5
C  <= no I don't have it
 pass <= missing 1 keycard and the trump's Queen

example21 missing the trump's Queen and 1 keycard
AQJ x KJ109x AQ9x 
Kx KQJ Axxx J8xx
Opener Responder                    
D       2D <=10+ hcp 
D   <= RKB1430
<= 1 or 4 keycards (assume 1)
   <= partner do you have trump's Queen
  .......... 5
D  <= no I don't have it
 pass <= missing 1 keycard and trump's Queen

Note: Apparently the chances for Slam are not good since a significative incertainty exist in the Clubs suit due to the precipitate bidding made by the Opener in not bid a splinter in 3
that may correct the contract to 3nt.    

example22 missing additional Kings - Queen-ask information
Ax Axx AQx K10xxx  
QJx Qx xxx AQJ9xx
Opener Responder            
C       2C               
  4C       4D <= 1 or 4 keycards (assume 1)
  <= partner do you have trump's Queen
  .......... 4nt <= yes I have it but no Kings

  5C  <= no Kings, so let's stop the bidding now
  .......... pass

example23 missing additional Kings - Queen-ask information
Axx Axx Axxx AQ10 
QJx QJx KQJ10xx J
Opener Responder               
D       2D <= 10+ hcp 
D  <= RKB1430
<= 1 or 4 keycards (assume 1)
  <= partner do you have trump's Queen
  .......... 4nt <= yes I have it but no Kings
D  <= no  Kings, so let's stop the bidding now
 ...........  pass

example24 response for specific King is 6nt when there are 3 Kings
 Kx Kxx Kxx Axxxx  
 Axxx Ax Ax KQ109x
Opener Responder      
  1nt      2
  <= nmf preparing to establish game force
  2nt      <= denies 4
cards and 3 cards
  .......... 3
  <= GF with Clybs agreed suit
  3nt <= stopper in all unbid suits
  .........  4
  <= RKB1430 try for Slam
  4  <= 1 keycard
  .......... 4nt <= Asking for Specific King
  6nt <= 3 kings

 ...........  7
  <= Kx in Spades because nmf deny support so 13 tricks

example25 after RKB we Ask for Specific King with 4nt
Ax AKJ10 KQ109xx x  
KJxxx xxx AJx xx
Opener Responder
       3 <= playing Leb after reverse this is GF
  <= RKB1430 in Diamonds
  .......... 4
<= show 1 keycard
  4nt  <= Asking for King should promise all keycards in a try for Slam
<= shows King Spades denies K and K
   <= even missing one keycard it is near 70% in chances to make considering only 1 Clubs loser and the incertitude in Hearts suit.

Note: after the reverse bid Responder without any King, lets say with Qxxxx having 7 hcp should inform Opener about the strength of his hand bidding 2nt transfer to Clubs and then supporting Opener in Diamonds. Of course Opener with his strong hand will bid only game in 5.


example26   second ask for King
 xx AKJ10x J109x Kx 
Ax Qx AKQxxx Axx
Opener Responder                
D <= 10+ hcp
D  <= 4 cards support .................. the second king ask responses:
D <= RKB1430 ................... without King return to ask suit
  <= 1 keycard ...........................  step1 - Kxx
             4nt <= Specific King Ask
....  step2 - KQx 
  <= Shows K ...........................  
5 <= second king ask for K     
  5nt <= second step so
AKxxx - 6 denies
 ...........  7
I can count 13 tricks with Opener having 9 red cards

exemple27  second king ask
xx AKJ10x J109x Kx 
Ax Qx AKQxxx Axx
Opener Responder      
C       2C         
  4C  <= RKB1430
  .......... 4
<= 2 keycards whitout Queen
nt <= Specifi King Ask
  .......... 5
<= shows K and denies KD
  <= second king ask: for K
  .......... 5nt <= no K
but third control xx
  6C  <= let's stop in 6C
  ..........  pass

example28   search for another King after SKA
AK AJxx AQxxx xx 
 xx KQx Kxxxx AKx
Opener Responder            
D       2D <= 10+ hcp  
D  <= RKB1430
  .......... 4
<= 2 keycards whitout Queen
  <= Specific King Ask
  .......... 5
<= K and may have other King
  <= partner do you have the K?
 ........... 6
<= third step = KQ
 7nt  <= I can count 13 tricks
...........  pass

Rule#15: When RKB asker knows by the auction that partner has 2 suits like 5-5 or when partnership self agreed in 2 suits the RKB has 6 keycards (4A+2K+2Q) to be answer:
If RKB is made bidding 4nt, so less room, there are 5 answers possible:
step1 5
  => 1 or 4 (1430) / 0 or 3 (0314) keycards
step2 5
 => 0 or 3 (1430) / 1 or 4 (0314) keycards
step3 5
 => 2 keycards and no Queen
step4 5
 => 2 keycards and 1 Queen
step5 5nt => 2 keycards and 2 Queens

But if RKB under 4nt, per example, in 4
after partmership agreed in a major and in Clubs, then with more room avaiable we may distinction for lower or higher Queen, and then we have 6 responses possible:
step1 => 1 or 4 (1430) / 0 or 3 (0314) keycards
step2 => 0 or 3 (1430) / 1 or 4 (0314) keycards
step3 => no Queen
step4 => Queen of the lower ranking suit
step5 => Queen of the higher ranking suit
step6 => both Queens

In both situations above when RKB do not clarify resolve the possession or exclusion of the Queen Asker bidding the next suit, excluding the agreed suit, is a Queen-ask in 4 steps:
step1 => no Queen
step2 => lower-ranking Queen only
step3 => higher-ranking Queen only
step4 => both Queens

   Opener: KJ10xx KQJx x KQx
Responder: A9x Axx Ax AJ98x
Opener Responder
  1        2
  2        3 <= support
  4  <= double agreement
..........    4 <= RKB for 6 responses (4A+2K+2Q)
  5  <= fourth step - 2 keycard and lower Queen (Q)
..........   5nt <= Grand Slam Forcing - shows all Aces
..........   now Opener has to review his hand for extras
..........   and in this case he has enough extras to bid 7
..........   Opener has a singleton and strong Hearts suit.
  7       pass 
more than 95% in chancse to make

major-major agreement ending in 4
or 4 then 4nt is RKB;
minor-major agreement ending in 4
or 4 then 4nt is RKB;
3- Clubs-major agreement ending in 3
or 3 then 4 is RKB
    this strategic allows you to gain 4 steps;
4- Diamonds-major agreement ending in 3
or 3 then 4 is RKB
    this strategic allows you to gain 3 steps;;
4- major-Clubs agreement ending in 4 then 4 is RKB
    this strategic allows you to gain 3 steps;
5- major-Diamonds agreement ending in 4 then the non agreed major is RKB - this strategic allows you to gain 1 or 2 steps.

Thus this summary is very important to understand the way to save space in the responses to RKB when there are agreement in two suits.

Opener Responder
...........   pass
        2 <= Qx KQ10zx x A109xx 
 2nt        3 <= singleton

Opener Responder
...........   pass
        2 <= AQ10xx zx KJ10x Jx 
 2nt        3 <= no singleton

Example30  When hand fits 
Kxx Ax AKx A10xxx   
AQ10xx x 8x KJxxx 
Opener Responder        
..........   pass        
        2 <= Spades and Clubs 9-11 hcp
 2nt  <= ask for distribution    
..........    3 <= singleton
<= RKB1430 for Clubs
..........    5 <= fifth step -2 keycards and higher Queen (Q)
  7 <= considering 10 cards fit no need to have the Queen
             so we can count 13 tricks

example31 double fit includes 4A+2K+2Q
So Queens possible = no Q / lower Q / higher Q / both Q
Opener:  A9xx Q109x Ax J98
Responder:  Kx       AKJxx  x   AKxxx

Opener Opponent1 Responder Opponent2  All Vul
C        pass           1              2 <= preemptive
  3        pass           4
C(1)         pass
(2)   pass           4nt(3)       pass
nt(4)  pass           6(5)        pass
(1) double suit agreement
(2) weak hand
(3) RKB1430 for

(4) having double fit the ask is for 4A+2K+2Q
     so 4nt is step5 2 keycards + higher Queen Hearts
(5) missing Queen of Clubs

Rule#16: After an opening in a minor in third or fourth position if the passed hand jumps in a major this promisses 4+ cards in the Opener minor and shows 5 cards majors with 10-11 hcp. It is a Fit-Showing Jump and so the Opener 2nt bid is reserved to ask for a singleton and Responder denies shows 5422 when bids partner's minor.
 A9xx Axx x KJ98x
 KQ7xx x xx A10xxx
Opener Responder
         2 <= 5 cards and support 4+ with 10-11 hcp
 2nt <= ask for singleton
 ...........  If 3 distribution 5=2=2=4
 ...........  If 3 distribution 5=2=1=5
 ...........  If 3 distribution 5=1=2=5
              3 <= singleton
 4 <= RKB1430 for Clubs with 6 steps (include lower/higher Q)
              5 <= step5 (2 keycards and higher Queen)
 6 <= both blacks suit are possible - Clubs fit 10 cards seems safed

(of course not in partner's suit)

Rule#17- After 4nt RKB asking for keycards if we have a useful void we may bid 5nt having a even (0 or 2) number of keycards and we may jump to level 6 in the void suit (if possible) when we have an odd (1 or 3) number of keycards, but if the void is in a high-ranking suit we need jump to trump's suit to explain to partner that our void is in a high-ranking suit.

Opener Responder
       2  <= GF
       4nt  <= RKB for Hearts
  5nt <= one useful void and even (0 or 2) keyscards
  <= void in and odd (1 or 3) keycards
  <= void in and odd (1 or 3) keycards
 Opener Responder
  <= GF
  4nt  <= RKB for Diamonds
              5nt <= 1 useful void (not in
) and 0 or 2 keycards
  <= void in and 1 or 3 keycards
Note: if the void is in Spades - partner suit - no void is showed

AK9xxx KQx x xxx  
Qxxxx Axx Axxxx C-
Opener Responder
         4  <= splinter - shows 4
+ cards support
  4nt  <= RKB1430 for Spades
  5nt  <= 1 useful void and zero or 2 keycards (assume 2)
Note: of course the void is in Clubs and with
         a 10 cards fit don't needs search for Q

Axxx AJ9876 - Axx 
 KQx Kxxxx xx CKQx
Opener Responder
        2nt  <= Jacoby 12-16 hcp and 4+ cards
  <= shorter in Diamonds
  ........   4nt  <=RKB1430 for Hearts
  <= void in and (1 or 3) keycards (assume 3)
  ........   7
<= very logical Grand Slam bidded

Axxx AJ9876 - Jxx  
 KQxxxx Kx xxx CAx
Opener Responder
  <= splinter - shorter Diamonds
 4nt  <= RKB1430 for Spades
  5nt <= one useful void and even (0 or 2) keyscards (assume 2)
  ........    7
  courageous and logical bid when hands fits


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