DEVIL'S COUP (Coup d' Etouffement = death by suffocation)

This is a very rare type of throw-in Coup that can be done only in suit contract to capture opponent King of Trump that appears to be impossible be captured like in this hand bellow:
             North      N-S is playing 6
             A32       and the lead was 9
             A32       As we can see N-S has 2 losers: K and 3th
West                   East
K654                   7           
765                     QJ1098 
432                     QJ10     
987                     10654      The Play by South:               
             South       After South make Q he finesse Spades       
           QJ1098    two times then play AK Clubs and AK        
           K4            Hearts and ruff a Heart.
           AK9      Finally South play AK Diamonds and give
           QJ3       the last Diamonds to East.

Final of two cards where East must play is:
West              East     now East must play  Q or 10
K6                 Q       and South will ruff with 9 and if
                       10     West play the K then North make
             South           the A, if West play 6 then South
              109            makes 9 and the last trick will be A!


Another very rare situation is the play of a Grand Slam where is missing QJ854 in the trump suit.  Of course this can be done if QJ are second but this is not the best chance and the Brazilian bridge's champion Nelson Martins Ferreira play it in 1974 considering trump 3-2 and honors divided in a overbid contract of 7:
North = Synésio
 K73             the lead was J
South = Nelson

So declarer must search for a final of 3 cards where:
Hx         Hxx
 x            -
In this position North play his loser Diamonds and if East ruff low then South cover with 9 and claim, but if East ruff with an honor then South cover with the A and must finesse West honor playing the 10 to let run if West play low Spades.

Nelson knew the best chance to play in this configuration and play it quickly discarding in the top Hearts 2 losers Diamonds and ruffed the last Hearts that was 4-4. Now he Plays Ace Diamonds and go to dummy in Ace Clubs to play Diamonds and ruff. Then he plays 2 top Clubs and ruff the last Clubs hopping for Clubs 4-4. Finally he was in the desiraded configuration and when East do not served Diamonds he only need honors divided to have success.
trick01 - A was made
trick02 - K South discard a Diamonds
trick03 - Q South discard another Diamonds
trick04 - x was ruffed and both opponents served
trick05 - A was made
trick06 - A was made
trick07 - x was ruffed
trick08 - K was made
trick09 - Q was made
trick10 - J good was ruffed and opponent start to know what is going on and so he ruff with Q in case his partner has J9
trick11 - was ruffed Q East and A made the trick
trick12 - 10 was made finessing
trick13 - K was made

Nelson and his broter Synésio Martins Ferreira won in this year of 1974 the South American Championship. Nelson also won the São Paulo state Chess championship in 1944. He was a engeneer polytechnic that also study arts market and have a collection of pictures that he buy one or two by year. Besides that he loves horse races and had stud farm. In 1980 he buy a fast pedigree mare and crossed with a imported French long distance horse. In the born foal he put the name "As de Pique" (Ace of Spades) and sell his stud farm. In 1984 As de Pique, his only horse at that time, won the São Paulo Grand Prix - most important horse race in São Paulo. The distance was 2400 meters in green and As de Pique at the start was in goal 19, but after 600 meters. like Secretariat, As de Pique take the first position to gallop alone until the end of the race running fast than the others in the last 200 meters. Nelson died with 83y in 2004, but he stays in our bridge's memories until now.

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