
DISTURBING OPPONENTS NO TRUMPS it is a creation of Marty Bergen used by Bergen-Cohen partnership that allow us be competitive against their strong NT opening. Not recommended against weak NT (12-14 hcp) because there are no option for punish their NT.

Opener Overcaller
double  shows one suit of 5/6 cards - not penalty - partner should bid 2C
   2C       means 2 suits 5-5 or 5-4: Clubs and other
   2D       means 2 suits 5-5 or 5-4: Diamonds and a major
   2H       means 2 suits 5-5 or 5-4: both majors
   2S       means long weak 6S cards (if good hand then x first then 2S)
   3C       7C cards preemptive
   3D       7D cards preemptive
   3H       7H cards preemptive
   3S       7S cards preemptive

Criteriums to overcall for one suit:
maximum = 2 top honors and A or K in other suit - around 11 hcp
 Sxx HAQJxxx
Dxx CQ10x min <= 2H
 Sxx HQJ10xxx DAx CJ10x min <= 2H
 Sxx HKQJ10xx DAx CQ10x max <= 2H
Sxx HAKQ10x DAx CJ10x max <= 2H
 SK109xxx Hx DKx CJxxx min <= 2S
 SAK109xx Hx
DKJx CJxx max <= double and after 2S
 SJ9xxx Hx DAKx CJxxx not qualified - honors must be in the suit bided
 SA HQ1054x
DKJx CQxx not qualified - honors must be in the suit bided

level 3
 SKQJ98xx Hxx
Dxx Cxx min <= 3S  for nVul against Vul
 Sxx HKJ10876xx Dxx Cx min <= 3H  for nVul against Vul
 Sxx Hx DAK10987x CQ10x max <= 3D same Vulnerability
SQx Hx DAxx CAKQ1098x max <= 3C Vul against nVul

Criteriums to overcall with 2 suits:
maximum = around 11 hcp with 5-5 cards and 2 top honors in both suits, in fact a good suit need middle cards J, 10, 9 to be powerful:
 SKQ98x HAQ10xx
Dxx Cx max  <= 2H
 Sx HKQ9xx DAK9762 Cx max  <= 2D
 Sxx HKQJ10x Dx CAQ10xx max <= 2C
Sxx HAQ108x DAQ109x Cx max  <= 2D
minimum = less than 11 hcp and missing 2 top honors in at least one suit
 SK98zx HK107xx
Dxx Cx min <= 2H
 Sx HKQ9x DKJ876 Cxx min <= 2D
 SKJ10x HKQJ10x Dx Cxxx min <= 2H
Sxx HAK108 DQ1098x CQx min <= 2D

D.O.N..T is to be used nVul, but if you use it Vul you must have a maximum hand with good middle cards!

RULE#1 - After overcall DONT with double if partner bids a suit this is a sign-off with very good 6/7 cards, so overcaller must pass.
Opener Overcall Responder Advancer
  1NT     2C          double       2D/2
H/2S <= sign-off 

RULE#2 - After overcall DONT showing 2 suits if Responder double, partner pass accepting to play in that suit but if partner redouble he is asking for partner bid the other suit and if that other is also doubled then another redouble is asking to overcaller bid other suit even it is 2 cards suits.
Opener Overcall Responder Advancer
  1NT     2C          double       pass <= I accept this suit - you may pass
Overcall:   SQ10xxx H8 DQ10 CKJ10xx
Sxx  HK109x DKxxx C963

Opener Overcall Responder Advancer
  1NT     2C          double       redouble <= bid other suit
  pass    2
H          double       pass <= I accept this suit - you may pass
Overcall:   Sxx HKJ9x
D8x CAQ10xx
SJ98x  H108xx DA84x Cx

Opener Overcall Responder Advancer
  1NT    2C           double       redouble <= bid other suit
  pass   2D           double       redouble <= bid other suit
  pass   2
S           double       pass
Overcall:   SJx H8
DQ1098x CAQ10xx
SQ98xxx  HK1098xx Dx C-

Well this is very difficult but when a good fit is found and the distribution it is very favourable this can happen. Thus after the overcall Advancer (the overcaller partner) bids 2nt asking for the hand:
Opener Overcaller Responder Advancer
 1NT       2C            pass          2NT <= asking to explain hand
 pass       ?
              3C <= minimum and Clubs can be 4 cards
                   Advancer pass or bid 3D asking for second suit
                   Overcaller pass in 3D or bid his second suit to sign-off
              3D <= maximum with both minors
H <= maximum 5H-5C Advancer decide game or partial score 
S <= maximum 5S-5C Advancer decide game or partial score 
Opener Overcaller Responder Advancer
 1NT       2D            pass          2NT <= asking to explain hand
 pass       ?
              3C <= minimum with Diamonds and Hearts - may be 5-4
                   Advancer bids 3D sign-off or 3
H sign-off or even bids 4H
              3D <= minimum with Diamonds and Spades
                   Advancer pass in 3D or sign-off in 3
S or even bids 4S
H <= maximum 5H-5D Advancer decide game or partial score 
S <= maximum 5S-5D Advancer decide game or partial score 

Opener Overcaller Responder Advancer
 1NT       2
H            pass          2NT <= asking to explain hand
 pass       ?
              3C <= minimum with Hearts better than Spades - may be 4-5
                   Advancer bids 3
H sign-off or 3S sign-off or even bids 4H/4S
              3D <= minimum with Spades better than Hearts - may be 5-4
                   Advancer bids 3
H sign-off or 3S sign-off or even bids 4H/4S
H <= maximum 5H-5S with Hearts better than Spades
                        Advancer bids game 4
H/4S or
S <= maximum 5S-5D with Spades better than Hearts
                        Advancer bids game

 Opener Overcaller Responder Advancer
 1NT       double      pass          2C<=relais asks partner to show his suit  
 pass        ?
              pass <= shows 6C cards 
               2D    <= shows 6D cards
H    <= shows 6H cards
               2S    <= shows 6S cards

    After Overcaller shows his suit if Advancer raise to level 3 this is an
    invitation to game showing 4 cards support.

Opener Overcaller Responder Advancer              

  1NT      double      pass          2NT <= asking for hand's strength   
 pass        ?
               3C    <= mínimo
                            Advancer bids 3D and Overcaller pass or correct
                               to 3
H / 3S / 4C
               3D    <= maximum with Diamonds
H    <= maximum with Hearts
               3S    <= maximum with Spades
              3NT  <= maximum with Clubs

Note: when Advancer has balanced hand with 14 hcp he may pass in overcaller double without know the suit in a way to punish Opponent.
SK10x HA1098 DKJ10 CQJx  or  SK10x HJ1083 DAJ10 CKQx


When opponent interfere in our NT opening with DONT bidding double
we could ignore the double:

Responder Advancer Opener Overcaller
                                   1NT      double
  2C <= normal Stayman
  2D <= transfer to Hearts
H <= transfer to Spades
  2S <= transfer to Clubs
 2nt <= transfer to Diamonds
C <= your convention ...

When opponent interfere in our NT opening with DONT bidding a suit we should use Lebensohl or any other convention that we are familiar.

Responder Advancer Opener Overcaller
                                   1NT      2C <= DONT 2 suits
 double <= penalty
  2D <= sign-off long Diamond weak suit
H <= sign-off long Hearts weak suit
  2S <=sign-off long Spades weak suit

  3C <= Stayman
  3D <= GF 5D+ cards
H <= GF 5H+ cards
  3S <= GF 5S+ cards
 3nt <= to play
C <= Gerber - asking for aces
  4D <= transfer to 4
  4H <= transfer to 4S

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