
During the bidding both partners exchange information about their suits and about strength of their hands. Find a fit is the normal objetive between partnes but delimit the strength of their hand is the information more fundamental because the partnership must know if stop in a partial score, if will try a game contract or if will try a slam!

Nonetheless, in a few ocasions partnership don't find fit and this is a drama for communication during playing and also the prelude that the splitting of suits will not take place. We call this a "misfit" and in this situation many times we should abort a game force (GF) sequence to pass in a partial score or refuse to try a slam even with high strength hand.

"When a misfit is found stop the bidding as soon as possible" - Terence Reese (1913-1996) - one of the top British players
and bridge'a writer of all time,

Lets shows some this situations that a misfit is found:

A) North 
KQ765 AJ832 4 Q2
 8 2 KQ9842 AK983
playing 2/1 the bidding goes
North  South
 1       2 <= GF
 2       3 <= 4th asking explanation
 3       4 <= 5+5+
What North should bid? North can't repeat more any major suit with these weak majors suits - if North spades are KQ109xx or hearts are AKQJx then North could bid his solid suit. Thus North have two choises: pass aborting the GF or bid 5 hoping that South have a 6-6 or 7-6 distribution. In fact a intermediate  player optimistic bid 5 and a pessimistic bid pass.

Note: Advances players having 6-6 or 7-6 hand do not put partner in this dillema bidding just 4, they jump directly to 5 for partner make the preference for a minor, so pass in 4 it is not a bad choise.    

B) North  - AJ8532 53 AQ1092
 KQ1083 2 KQ9842 3
playing 2/1 the bidding goes
North  South
 1       1
 2       3 <= Shows 55 10-11 hcp not GF
North has no reasonable bid to do - misfit hand - pass is a possible bid,
but most players will bid 3 to show 6 cards and then South must pass.

C) North  7 KQ8532 4 AQ1092
 AQ1083 2 KQ9842 3
playing 2/1 the bidding goes - same hand but now GF
North  South
 1       1
 2       2 <= 4th suit asking for 3 cards support or stopper in  
 3       3 <= shows 5+5+ but now is GF 12-22 hcp
What should North bid?
Considering the GF sequence North can bid 4 that says no 2 cards neither 3 cards support just a 6-5, or 3 showing 6 cards and no interesting in play 3nt. Thus, an advance player in South will pass in 3 because he has no strength to continue the bidding facing this misfit.

D) Advancer: KJ10743 KQ953 4 2
Opener Overcaller      Responder Advancer
 1        2nt(minors)     pass           ?
A reasonable bid for Advancer is pass then if Opener reopen with double  Overcaller with 6-5 should bid his 6 cards suit or with 5530 could also bid 3 because his partner should have 4+ cards and finally pass with 5521  knowing his partner have stoppers in both majors.

E) North  AQ9872 KQ102 J4 2
 - 82 KQ984 AK8743
playing 2/1 the bidding goes
North  South
 1      2  <= GF
 2      3  <= 4th suit asking for stopper in
 3      4  <= showing 65
After North faces this terrible misfit his best bid is pass!

Conclusion: GF can be broken with a pass after a misfit is found.

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