NAMYATS is a convention where 4 opening
solid 7 + cards and 4 opening means solid 7 +
cards - solid suit means 7+
cards ahead by AKQ. This convention was
used by the 1951 world champion Samuel Stayman and his partner Victor Mitchell
the years of
60 - Namyats is Stayman inverted.
Today Namyats is used in international competitions by
many advanced partnerships, but each one has specifics rules for this
convention, so here we also established restrictions to
the convention.
Playing Namyats partnership knows that an opening in 4 /4 denies a solid
suit like AKQxxxx and this may be important to avoid search the hand
with 4nt asking for aces considering that the open of 4 /4 could even be opening with a suit like QJ986532!
Rule#0: The open of 4
promise 7+ cards AKQxxxx in Hearts and the open of 4 promises 7+
cards AKQxxxx in Spades. In both cases this open denies additional Ace
or 2+ Kings or a void. So the hands below are all valid for Namyats:
x AKQxxxxx Jx Kx => opening in 4 ;
AKQ8654 x Jxx xx => opening in 4 ;
x AKQxxxxx Jx Kx => opening in 4 ;
AKQ8654 x KQx xx => opening in 4 ;
x AKQ987xx x KJx => opening in 4 ;
AKQ8654 x Kxxx x => opening in 4 ;
Rule#1: the opening of 4 or 4 doesn't need A or K at top
8 cards like QJ987654, but can't have 2 aces and
must obey the "Rule of 3 and 2" to be
more safety bid.
Rule#2: After the opening of 4 or 4 (in any position) the
Responder makes the transfer 4 => 4 or 4 => 4 to
sign-off the auction.
If Responder bids 4 (not 4 ) after the opening of 4
or Responder bids 4 (not 4 ) after the opening of 4
is searching
singleton in
Opener's hand and then Opener
bids his major suit if he has 7222, denying singleton.
opener with singleton in Clubs bids 5 ,
opener with singleton in Diamonds bids 5 ,
opener with singleton in the other major bids 4nt.
O: AKQ8654 x Jxx xx R: 107 96432 Ax AKQJ
Responder 4 <=Namyats
4 <= asking for
singleton 4nt<=singleton
6 <= 12 tricks
counted pass
O: 54 AKQxxxx Jxx x R: AKQ10 J3 AKx Qxxx Opener
Responder 4 <=Namyats
4 <= asking for
singleton 5 <=singleton
6 <= 12 tricks
counted pass
O: 54 AKQxxxx Jx Qx R: AKQ J3 AKx J109xx Opener
Responder 4 <=Namyats
4 <= asking for
singleton 4 <=no singleton
Rule#3: If Responder's first bid is 4nt then this
asking for
the only one king that Opener can have and Opener bids:
5 <= no king;
5 <= 1 king;
- 5 on his suit <= KQ (king with Quees of same suit)
Then Responder sign-off
the auction in level 5, 6 or 7.
O: 54 AKQxxxx Jx Kx R: AKx Jxx Axxx Axx Opener
Responder 4 <=Namyats
4nt <= asking
if have 1 King 5 <= yes 1 king 6 <= 12 tricks counted
O: AKQ8654 x Jxx xx R: J97 Axx AKx Axx Opener
Responder 4 <=Namyats
4nt <= asking for 1 King 5 <=yes KQ
7nt <= 13 tricks counted pass
After Responder asking for singleton the 4nt
bid by Responder is still asking for king and Rule#3 is on.
O: 54 AKQxxxx Jx Kx R: AKx Jxx AK109 Qxx Opener
Responder 4 <=Namyats
4 <= asking
for singleton 4
asking for king 5 <= I have
1 king
6 <=
12 tricks counted
O: AKQ8654 x Jxx xx R: J9 xxxx AKQx AKx
Responder 4 <=Namyats
asking for
singleton 5 <=no
singleton 4nt
<= asking for king 5
<=1 king
<= 12
tricks counted
O: 6 xAKQJxxx xxx Kx R: QJ3 xxxx AKx AQx
Responder 4 <=Namyats
asking for
singleton 5 <=
singleton 4nt
<= asking for king 5
<=1 king
<= 12
tricks counted
Defenae against Namyats
When opponents open Namyats
against our
partnership we
can use the follow strategic:
1- the double of
4 /4 is not for penalty
is this suit,
but is
a take out
for the other major, showing
shorter in
their major and have support for the other
Opponent we
double => x AQJ9 K10xx AQ10x
double => QJ10x 9 K10xx AQ10
2- If we pass and they stop in their major
now the
double is penalty showing we have 3 loser in that
major suit but have 4+ sure tricks in others suits
without support for the other major (honor second).
Opponent1 we1
pass 4 (sign-off)
double* pass
* 10xx K9 AK10x AKxx =>
first pass means no suit and now
double shows strong hand with minor suit.
? with singleton in and a long minor we2 bid 5
x Q109x xx QJ10xxx
or pass with x Q109x xxxx J10xx
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