PASSED HAND BIDS also need agreements between partners  
Lets propose here some new agreements for "passed hand bids" and consider that, for a passed hand, there are no more agreements like: New Minor Forcing, Bergen Raises, Weak Jump Shift, Jacoby 2nt for majors, Inverted Minors.

PART1 - After Minor Open

RULE#1 - After an opening in a minor suit all responses in jump to level 2 by a passed hand are constructive bids that shows 5+ cards in a good suit with 10-11 hcp and that imply in support of 4+ cards in Opener's minor suit to avoid possible misfit.
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   2  <= AQJ64 xx K1082 xx or KQ964 Qx QJ82 J3
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   2  <= Qx
KQJxx K1082 xx or Ax A109xx J10862 x
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   2  <= AJ1094 xx Q2 A1092 or KJ1094 xx Q2 KQ92
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   2  <= A6 KQ10xx J2 J1092 or AJ6 KQ10xx 2 J962
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   2  <= 64 xx AK982 KJ92 or 64 xx KQ1092 AJ92

RULE#2 - After an opening in a minor a support in jump at level 3, by a passed hand, means 5+ cards and 10-11 hcp but a simple raise support at level 2 means 4+ cards and 6-9 hcp, so the support at level 3 is more strong than the support at level 2.
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   3  <= A64 xx KJ1082 Q10x or KJ4 xx AJ1082 Q10
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   2  <= A64 xx J1082 K10x or  Q64 x J10852 A10x
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   2  <= xxx xx J10xx AK109
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   3  <= xx Kx J10xx AK1097

RULE#3 - After an opening in a minor a response by a passed hand in another suit at level 3 is a splinter bid with 10-11 hcp showing support of 5+ cards:
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   3  <= 4 A73 KJ1082 Q108x  splinter shorter in Spades
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   3  <= A64 x KJ1082 K108x  splinter shorter in Hearts
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   3  <= A64 QJ2 QJ10842 x  splinter shorter in Clubs
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   3  <= x Kxx J10xx AK1092  splinter shorter in Spades
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   3  <= Axx x Q10xx KQ1092  splinter shorter in Hearts
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   3  <= Axx Kxx x K109762  splinter shorter in Diamonds

Note1: Of course all splinters in a minor means support of 6+ cards because these splinters denies a major 4 cards.

RULE#4 - After a passed hand bid support at level 3 in the minor opened by partner, Opener's second bid at level 3 is a try to 3nt showing up the line his stoppers.
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   3           3 <= AK6 Q2 AJ1084 KQ9
                      denies a full stopper in and shows stopper in
  3nt <= J6 A102 Q8532 A32   
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   3           3 <= AQ J2 AJ84 K9732  shows stopper in
   3  <= K106 102 Q85 AJ654 shows stopper in and denies
                  4 <= denies stopper in so not forcing

5 - After a minor opening in third or fourth position the response bid from passed hand in 2nt means exactly 11 hcp with a balanced hand and good middle cards and denies 4 cards major.
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   2nt  <= K106 Q102 J104 AJ109
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   2nt          <= K109 K2 K1094 Q932            

After 1 opening and no interference Responder bids:
Responder Opener
 pass           1
  1   <= deny major and shows generally 5+ cards and 6+ hcp
  1   <= 4+ cards and may have 4+ so not up the line sequence
  1   <= 4+ cards and may have 4+ so not up the line sequence
  1nt  <= deny major and 5 cards minor 6-10 hcp
  2   <= 4+ cards - 6-9 hcp - not inverted for passed hand
  2   <= 5-4 and 10-11 hcp - construtive bid
  2   <= 5-4 and 10-11 hcp - construtive bid
  2   <= 5-4 and 10-11 hcp - construtive bid
  2nt  <= 4333 4432 and 11 hcp - good middle cards 10/9
  3   <= 5+ cards and 10-11 hcp no singleton deny major
  3   <= splinter singleton with 5+ and 10-11 hcp deny major
  3   <= splinter singleton with 5+ and 10-11 hcp deny major
  3   <= splinter singleton with 5+ and 10-11 hcp deny major 
no other razonable bids for these passed hand

After 1 opening and no interference Responder bids:
Responder Opener
 pass           1
  1   <= 4+ cards and 6+ hcp
  1   <= 4+ cards and 6+ hcp
  1nt  <= deny major and 5+ cards - 6-10 hcp
  2   <= 5+ cards - deny major - 10-11 hcp
  2   <= 4+ and 6-9 hcp
  2   <= 5-4+ and 10-11 hcp
  2   <= 5-4+ and 10-11 hcp
  2nt  <= 4333 4432 and 11 hcp - good middle cards 10/9
  3   <= splinter singleton with 6+ cards and 10-12 hcp
  3   <= splinter singleton with 5+ cards and 10-11 hcp
  3   <= splinter singleton with 5+ cards and 10-11 hcp  
no other razonable bids for these passed hand

PART2 - After Major Open

RULE#6 - After an opening in a major suit (1/1) balanced passed hand with 10-11 hcp having support use the Drury 2 way convention where response in 2 shows 3 cards support and response in 2 shows 4 cards support.
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   2  <= A62 Q107 J1084 KJ9  or  62 Q107 KJ1084 KQ9
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   2  <= A6 Q1072 J1084 KJ9  or  K6 K1073 84 KJ982 
               4 cards support give more strength in distribution
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   2  <= A62 KQ7 J10842 J9  or  Q62 KQ7 A10842 93
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   2  <= AJ82 72 Q1084 KJ9  or  10862 AK7 J10842 K9
               4 cards support give more strength in distribution
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   2  <= 82 AK972 Q108 QJ9 - denies support
       this is not Drury just a positive response in showing 10-11 hcp

RULE#7 - No more Bergen Raises - After an opening in a major suit (1/1) a passed hand having 9-11 hcp and 4 cards support with a side 5 cards suit headed by 2 top honors should inform his partner bidding another suit in jump to level 3 (Fit Showing Jump) to show this special hand 5422 or 5431 where honors are located in the suit bidded and in partner's open suit.
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   3  <= 62 Q1072 84 AKJ93 <= fit showing
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   3  <= 76 K1072 AQJ842 96  <= fit showing
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   3  <= A652 97 42 KQJ92  <= fit showing
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   3  <= K982 72 AK1084 92  <= fit showing
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   3  <= J1082 KQ1072 Q84 9  the singleton have 3 points
RULE#8 - After an opening in a major a passed hand with 5/6 cards support can bid a constructive splinter in 4/4 with 9-12 points
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   4  <= K106 K10732 2 A962  <= splinter
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   4  <= A98652 97 KQ42 2   <= splinter

RULE#9 - No more Jacoby 2nt - After a major opening in third or fourth position the bid response from a passed hand in 2nt means exactly 11 hcp with a balanced hand and good middle cards and denies 4 cards major and support in the Opener's suit.
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   2nt  <= K106 92 QJ104 AJ109  <= invitation for 3nt
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   2nt          <= 63 AJ10 K1094 QJ82  <= invitation for 3nt    

RULE#10 - After an opening in a major in third or fourth position a balanced passed hand having support:
a) with 3 cards and 6-9 hcp bids support at level 2;
b) with 4 cards and 5-7 hcp bids support at level 2;
c) with 4 cards and 8-9 hcp bids support at level 3;
d) with 5/6 cards and 6+ hcp bids support at level 4; 

Responder Opener
  pass         1
   2  <= J106 Q92 Q104 K1092    <= 3 cards and 6-9 hcp
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   2  <= J106 Q982 Q104 Q1092  <= 4 cards and 5-7 hcp
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   3  <= 106 Q982 Q104 A1092   <= 4 cards and 8-9 hcp
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   4  <= 86 Q9732 Q4 A1092       <= 5 cards and 6+ hcp

Responder Opener
  pass         1
   2  <= J63 AJ10 K10984 82      <= 3 cards and 6-9 hcp
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   2  <= J632 KJ10 J10984 82    <= 4 cards and 5-7 hcp
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   3  <= QJ63 53 A10984 J2       <= 4 cards and 8-9 hcp
Responder Opener
  pass         1
   4  <= K10643 52 A1098 86    <= 5 cards and 6+ hcp    

After 1 opening and no interference Responder bids:
Responder Opener
 pass           1
  1   <= up to 4 cards and 6-11 hcp (nt inverted after 1 open)
               if not playing inverted-nt then 1 shows 4+ cards
  1nt  <= 5+ cards and 6-11 hcp - one-round force (nt inverted)
               if not playing inverted-nt then 1nt denies 4 and shows
               5-11 hcp - also can have support 3 cards with 10-11 hcp
               that will be bidded at level 3.
  2   <= Drury - 3 cards support and 10-11 hcp
  2   <= Drury - 4 cards support and 10-11 hcp
  2   <= 3 cards support and 6-9 hcp or 4 support and 5-7 hcp
  2   <= articial bid - 5-5 in the minors 6-9 hcp
  2nt  <= 4432 5332 and 11 hcp - maximum hand with 2 support
  3   <= Fit Showing 4 support - 5 with 2 top honor 10-11
  3   <= Fit Showing 4 support - 5 with 2 top honor 10-11
  3   <= 4 cards with 8-9 hcp
  3   <= splinter singleton with 4+ support and 9-12 points
  4   <= splinter singleton with 4+ support and 9-12 points
  4   <= splinter singleton with 4+ support and 9-12 points 
  4   <= to play - 5+ cards support with 6-9 hcp

no other razonable bids for these passed hand

After 1 opening and no interference Responder bids:
Responder Opener
 pass           1
  1nt  <= shows 5-11 hcp - one round-force
               Responder may also have 3 cards support with
               10-11 hcp that will be bidded at level 3 
               When Responder has 2 cards amd 10-11 hcp ub a
               distribution 4432/5332 Responder must bid 2nt
               after 2/2/2 when no fit is found
               in case Responder has long suit he must bid it
               up the line, in case Responder has 6-9 hcp and no fit
               is found he bids 2 or pass if 2 is bidded by Opener.
  2   <= Drury - 3 cards support and 10-11 hcp
  2   <= Drury - 4 cards support and 10-11 hcp
  2   <= 5+ cards positive bid with 10-11 hcp
  2   <= 3 support and 6-9 hcp or 4 support and 5-7 hcp
  2nt  <= 4432 or 5332 and 11 hcp - maximum hand with 2 cards
  3   <= Fit Showing 4 cards - 5 with 2 top honors 10-11 hcp
  3   <= Fit Showing 4 cards - 5 with 2 top honors 10-11 hcp
  3   <= Fit Showing 4 cards - 5 with 2 top honors 10-11 hcp
  3   <= 4 cards support and 8-9 hcp
  4   <= splinter singleton with 4+ cards support 9-12 points
  4   <= splinter singleton with 4+ cards support 9-12 points
  4   <= splinter singleton with 4+ cards support 9-12 points
  4   <= to play - 5+ cards support 5-9 hcp

no other razonable bids for these passed hand

Responder Opener
  pass          1
   1nt           2nt <= GF read GF-hand.htm
   3 <= search the hand (54xx or 6xxx or 7xxx) with 18-20 hcp

Responder Opener
  pass          1
   1nt           3nt <= 5332 with 18-19 hcp

Responder Opener  when NOT playing inverted nt
  pass          1
   1nt           2nt <= GF read GF-hand.htm
   3 <= search the hand (54xx or 6xxx or 7xxx) with 18-20 hcp

Responder Opener
  pass          1
   1nt           3nt <= 5332 with 18-19 hcp

Responder Opener  when playing inverted nt
  pass          1
   1nt  <= 5 cards
                   2nt <= GF GF-hand.htm  


PART3 - After Minor Opening and Opener's second bid in 1nt

RULE#9 - After an opening in 1/1 in third or fourth position the priority of a passed hand is to inform partner if he has a major suit and if Operner's second bid is 1nt then passed hand:
- passes;
- rebid his major suit as sign-off;
- support partner's open suit at level 2 with 6-9 hcp;
- support partner's open suit at level 3 with 10-11 hcp;
- make a invitation with 11 hcp bidding 2nt;
- bids his long minor suit as sign-off.
Responder Opener
  pass         1
  1            1nt <= can have 4 cards or 5 cards
  2   <= not more NMF and shows 45+ 6-9 hcp sign-off

Responder Opener
  pass         1
  1            1nt <= can have 4 cards or 5 cards
  2   <= shows 54+  with 6-9 hcp (Opener must choose major)

Responder Opener
  pass         1
  1            1nt <= can have 4 cards or 5 cards
  3   <= shows 55  with 10-11 - invitation to game in a major

Responder Opener
  pass         1
  1            1nt  <= denies 4 cards and can have 5 cards
  2   <= not more NMF and shows 45+ 6-9 hcp

Responder Opener
  pass         1
  1            1nt  <= denies 4 cards and can have 5 cards
  3   <= shows 55+ with 10-11 hcp  - try to game

Responder Opener
  pass         1
  1 <= 5 cards and denies major or support of 4 cards
                  1 <= shows 5-4 or 4414
                  1 <= shows 5-4
                  1nt <= can have both major with 3 cards
                              or a 4432 hand with 2

Responder Opener
  pass         1
   1           1nt <= can have  4 cards or 5 cards
   2           not more NMF and shows 45+ 6-9 hcp - sign-off

Responder Opener
  pass         1
   1           1nt <= deny 4 cards and can have 5 cards- 
   2           not more NMF and shows 45+ 6-9 hcp - sign-off

Responder Opener
  pass         1
  1            1nt <= can have 4 cards or 5 cards
  2   <= shows 54+  with 6-9 hcp - sign-off

Responder Opener
  pass         1
  1            1nt <= can have 4 cards or 5 cards
  3   <= shows 55  with 10-11 - invitation to game in a major

PART4 - After Minor Opening and Rebid his suit

The 2/1 system, as a natural system, has some difficults in define the strength of the hand and the suit's quality of a 6th card minor suit rebid, so we need some agreements between partners for take better decision. Thus lets assume that:
a) a rebid minor's suit is 6+ cards (but may have exceptions with good 5 cards in a 5431 distribution);
b) a rebid minor's suit shows a range 12-16 hcp;
c) a rebid minor's suit in jump shows 6+ cards with 16-17 hcp and a very good suit like AKQxxx or AKJ10xxx or KQJ10xxx;
d) after an opening in a minor and a response in suit at level 1 the jump to 3nt shows a solid minor suit like: AKQxxxx or AKQJxx with 7 or 8 sure  tricks in the hand opened;
e) after a minor opening follow by a response at level 1 Opener's second bid in 2nt shows a balanced hand with 18-19 hcp and the minor suit could be 3, 4 or 5 cards. 

Responder Opener
  pass         1
  1            2 <= shows 6 cards and 12-15 hcp
  2   <= shows 54+  with 6-9 and singleton in Clubs - sign-off, so Opener should pass or correct to 2 - here Spades = or > Hearts

Responder Opener
  pass         1
  1            2 <= shows 6 cards and 12-15 hcp
  2   <= 45+ with 6-9 hcp and singleton Clubs - sign-off, so here Opener should pass because Diamons > Hearts

Responder Opener
  pass         1
  1            2 <= shows 6 cards and 12-15 hcp
  2   <= shows 54+  with 6-9 and singleton in - sign-off, so here Opener should pass or correct because Spades = or > Hearts

Responder Opener
  pass         1
  1            2 <= shows 6 cards and 12-15 hcp
  2   <= 45+ with 6-9 hcp and singleton - sign-off, so here Opener should pass because Clubs > Hearts

When a minor opening in third or fourth position receive a major response in jump at level 2 this means (fit showing) that the passed hand has 9-11 hcp concentrate in the two bidded suits with 5 cards in the major and 4+ cards in the minor opening. So the Opener bidding 2nt asks partner for the distribution of the passed hand and the answer in the minor opening shows 5422, otherwise the bid of an unbid suit suit shows singleton.

Note: When RKB asker knows that partner has 2 suits there are 6 keycards and 2 Queens to be answer in the RKB. If the RKB do not shows or denies the trump's Queen neither define it suit then the next suit ask for the Queen and the responses are:
step1 => 1 or 4 (1430) / 0 or 3 (0314) keycards and no Queen
step2 => 0 or 3 (1430) / 1 or 4 (0314) keycards and no Queen
step3 => 2 keycards and no Queen
step4 => 2 keycards and lower Queen
step5 => 2 keycards and higher Queen
step6 => 2 keycards and both Queens

Opener Responder
...........   pass
        2 <= Qx KQ10zx x A109xx 
 2nt        3 <= singleton

Opener Responder
...........   pass
        2 <= AQ10xx zx KJ10x Jx 
 2nt        3 <= no singleton

example55 When hand fits 
Opener Responder                 Opener                     Responder
..........   pass            
KxxAxAKxA10xxx   AQ10xxx8xKJxxx 
        2 <= Spades and Clubs 9-11 hcp
 2nt  <= ask for distribution    
..........    3 <= singleton
<= RKB1430 for Clubs
..........    5 <= fifth step -2 keycards and higher Queen (Q)
  7 <= considering 10 cards fit no need to have the Queen
             so we can count 13 tricks

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