Opener Responder in a free auction (no interference) 1/1 1/1 1nt ? After 1nt Opener's second bid in 1nt limits his hand in a range of 12-15 hcp, and the possible distribution are: 4333 4432 5431 (also 5422), so now Responder must show his strength between: 1- biding sign-off having 5-9 hcp; 2- make a invitation with 10-11 hcp; 3- start a Game Force (GF) with 12+ hcp. =================================== 1- sequences of sign-off: 1.1. The rebid of Responder suit is 100% sign-off and could be done with 5-9 hcp. Opener Responder Opener Responder 1/1 1 1/1 1 1nt 2 1nt 2 pass pass 1.2. A second bid in a less hierarquical suit could be not NMF or a search for support but just a sign-off Opener Responder Opener Responder 1/1 1 1 1 1nt 2* 1nt 2 (5+ cards-not NMF) pass pass * If Responder was interested in game he should bid new minor forcing (NMF) so 2 could be bided with 5-9 hcp and Opener must choise in pass or correct to 2 and with 3-2 in major Opener can pass if don't has honor in Spades - there is a chance that Responder have also 5 cards. Note1: In the sequence 1 - 1 - 1nt - 2 is NMF but 2 is sign-off showing 5+ cards, so here Opener has no preference for Spades unless Opener has singleton in Diamonds. 1.3. simple raise in Opener suit shows a sign-off and shows 5-9 hcp in Responder's hand. Opener Responder Opener Responder 1 1 1 1 1nt 2 1nt 2 pass pass Opener Responder Opener Responder 1 1 1 1 1nt 2 1nt 2 pass pass =================================== 2- Invitations sequences: 2.1. When Responders's rebid in jump to level 3 shows a 6th suit with 10-11 hcp and ask for support or pass from Opener. So Opener pass with minimum or only 2 blank cards. Opener bid of 3nt could be a disaster if has only 2 cards and minimum. Opener with good 13 hcp or 14 hcp and 3 cards or honor second must bid game. Opener Responder Opener Responder 1/1 1 1/1 1 1nt 3 1nt 3 ? ? Now is the Opener that decide if goes to game or pass: 2.1.1 pass with singleton always 2.1.2 pass with dubleton and minimum 12-13 hcp 2.1.3 bid 3nt with honor second and 14/15 hcp 2.1.4 support Responder's suit with 3 cards and 13-14 hcp. Note2: in this avaliation it is important A or K to decide for game, hands with many Queens and Jack is danger for bid game with 23-24 hcp. 2.2. The jump in level 3 in a less hierarquical suit shows 5-5 hand with 10-11 hcp in 2/1 system but is GF in SAYC, so to be GF Opener Resp Opener Resp Opener Resp 1/1 1 1 1 1 1 1nt 3 1nt 3 1ST 3 ? ? ? Opener Resp or Opener Resp 1 1 1 1 1ST 3 1ST 3 ? ? Now Opener decide if goes to game or pass or sign-off in first suit: 2.2.1 pass with 3 cards and minimum 12/13 hcp - bad support 2.2.2 simple preference with minimum and bad support 2.2.3 bid game in level 4 or game in level 5 with honors good support 2.3.4 support minor in level 4 is invitation 2.3.5 bid 3nt with maximum 14/15 in hand 5422 and honors in Responder suits. 2.3 jump at level 3 in Opener suit shows 10-11 hcp with 4+ cards Opener Responder Opener Responder 1 1 1 1 1nt 3 invitation 1nt 3 <= 10-11 hcp ? ? Opener Responder Opener Responder 1 1 1 1 1nt 2 invitation 1nt 3 <= 10-11 hcp ? ? 2.4 raise to 2nt showing 11 hcp Opener Responder Opener Responder 1/1 1 1/1 1 1nt 2nt invitation 1nt 2nt invitation 11 hcp ? with 11 hcp ? =================================== 3- Sequences that can be FG / Slam: 3.1 The New Minor Forcing (NMF) need 10+ hcp and the major can be 5th or 6th asking for 3 cards support. It is fundamental read NMF. Opener Responder Opener Responder 1 1 1 1 1nt 2 => NMF 1nt 2 => NMF ? ? Opener Responder Opener Responder 1 1 1 1 1nt 2 => NMF 1nt 2 => NMF ? ? 3.2 The Responder's second bid in reverse is GF: Opener Responder or Opener Responder 1 1 1 1 1nt 2 => GF 1nt 2 => GF ? ? 3.3 The raise to Opener minor at level 4 ask to Openr cuebid and shows strong support and Slam interesting: Opener Responder Opener Responder 1 1 1 1 1nt 4 => GF 1nt 4 => GF ? ? Opener Responder Opener Responder 1 1 1 1 1nt 4 => GF 1nt 4 => GF ? ? Note3: If the Opener's second bid at level 1 is other suit then the 4th suit bid by Responder is FG, include 1 after 1 pass 1 pass 1 now the 1 not shows 4 cards but ask for stopper in Spades or support in Diamonds so Opener whitout stopper or support must rebid his Clubs suit. Thus, Responder to show 4 cards in Spades need bid 2 that's also a GF! Opener Responder Opener Responder 1 1 1 1 1 1 => GF 1 2 => reverse 5-4-x-x ? 4th suit ? / / /