Rule of 2 and 3

In bridge points in one board is object of negociation and this rule tell us how many points an preempt bid can lose without great risc if opponents have a game.

A disciplined preempt open need high top honors concentrated in his suit and the valuation of the hand is done by estimating how many loser tricks the hand contain in the worst cenarius where partner's hand is "blank" (no honors to help).

Our vulnerability versus opponents vulnerabilty determine the number of loser tricks that preempt bid is a safety risc in case opponents have a game,  but is also an orientation to our partner to know how many covers we expect in his hand to limit our riscs.

Suppose we open 3img_site/spades.gif nVul against Vul with 7 cards like:
KQJ10987 img_site/hearts.gifxx img_site/diamonds.gifxx img_site/clubs.gifxx or img_site/spades.gifKQJ10987 img_site/hearts.gifxxx img_site/diamonds.gifxx img_site/clubs.gifx having 7 losers. This means we need 3 tricks in partner hand to make 9 tricks. Thus, if opponents have a game Vul we will have a good negociation in points because we lose 500 points and opponents have 620 points. Thus, if they
bid a game in 4img_site/hearts.gif partner with one or 2 covers like:
img_site/spades.gif654 img_site/hearts.gifx img_site/diamonds.gifA98xx img_site/clubs.gifJxxx or img_site/spades.gifAxx img_site/hearts.gifxx img_site/diamonds.gifKQxxx img_site/clubs.gifxxx
can bid 4
img_site/spades.gif in defense of their 4img_site/hearts.gif.
Furthermore the information of the number of losers by the level of the preempt done allows take a decision in bid game (or Slam) if he have a good hand with 4 covers like img_site/hearts.gifAK, img_site/diamonds.gifA and img_site/clubs.gifA. 

The basic rules of businees is:

1- we nVul and opponent Vul then if they have a game 600/620 points we can lose 3 downs doubled = 500 points to avoid their game contract.

2- we Vul and opponent also Vul we can lose only 2 downs doubled = 500 points to have advantage against their contract = 600/620 points.

3- we no Vul and opponent also no Vul then we can lose only 2 down doubled = 300 points against game contract = 400/420.

4- Finally if we Vul and opponent no Vul we can lose only 1 down doubled = 200 against their game contract = 400/420 points.

Question: How can we count our losers to make avaliation of the hand?
Answer: In the same way Ely Culbertson did in his 1930 system considering honor tricks where A=1 honor trick, K=0.5 honor trick, Q=0,25 honor trick.
We can assume that the fourth and the fifth card in a suit is not a loser
Ax=1 loser, Axx=2 losers, Axxx=2 losers  Axxxx=2 losers
AKx=1, AKxx=1, AKxxx=1
AKJ=0.5, AKJx=0.5, AKJxx=0.5
AQ=0.5, AQx=1.5, AQxx=1,5
AQJ=0.5, AQJx=0.5, AQJxx=0.5
AJ10=1, AJ9=1.5, AJx=1.75
Kx=1.5   Kxx=2.5  Kxxx=2.5 Kxxxx=2.5
KQ=1, KQx=1.5, KQxx=1.5, KQxxx=1.5
KQJ=1, KQJx=1, KQJxx=1
KQ10=1.5, KQ9=1,75
KJx=2, KJxx=2, KJxxx=2
Qxx=2.75 Qxxx=2.75, Qxxxx=2.75
QJx= 2.5, QJxx=2.5, QJxxx=2.5
Jxxx=3 losers

a) img_site/spades.gifAQJxxxx img_site/hearts.gifxx img_site/diamonds.gifKx img_site/clubs.gifxx => sum of losers: ½ img_site/spades.gif+2 img_site/hearts.gif+1.5 img_site/diamonds.gif+2 img_site/clubs.gif= 6.
So with 6 losers we can open in 4
img_site/spades.gif if we are nVul against Vul, but if opponent are also nVul then we can only open in 3img_site/spades.gif.
According our open 3img_site/spades.gif or 4img_site/spades.gif and the vulnerabilty context our partner know how many losers we have and then he can know how many tricks he must cover with his hand to think if he try a Slam.

b) img_site/spades.gifAKJxxxxx img_site/hearts.gifxx img_site/diamonds.gifx img_site/clubs.gifxx  =>sum of losers: 0 img_site/spades.gif+2 img_site/hearts.gif+1 img_site/diamonds.gif+2 img_site/clubs.gif= 5.
So with 5 losers we can open in 4
img_site/spades.gif nVul x nVul or Vul x Vul because we will lose only 2 down in the worst cenatirus. Now partner with 4 cover tricks, can trink in Slam, but with only 3 sure tricks he should pass.
But Vul against nVul we should open only 3
img_site/spades.gif and this tell to our partner that we have 8 sure tricks or 5 losers.

c) img_site/spades.gifx img_site/hearts.gifKQJ10xxx img_site/diamonds.gifx img_site/clubs.gifJ1098 =>sum of losers: 1 img_site/spades.gif + 1 img_site/hearts.gif + 1 img_site/diamonds.gif + 3 img_site/clubs.gif= 6.
Thus, with 6 losers, nVul against Vul, the recommended opern is 4
img_site/hearts.gif, but if we and opponents have same vulnerabillity then we can lose only 2 downs and the recommended open is 3img_site/hearts.gif. Finally if we are Vul and opponents are nVul then we are restrict in lose only 1 tricks and so we need openn 2img_site/hearts.gif.

d) img_site/spades.gifx img_site/hearts.gifJx img_site/diamonds.gifAx img_site/clubs.gifKQJxxxxx => sum of losers: 1 img_site/spades.gif + 2 img_site/hearts.gif + 1 img_site/diamonds.gif + 1 img_site/clubs.gif= 5.
Thus, nVul against Vul the recommended open is 5
If we and opponents have same vulnerabillity then we should open in 3
img_site/clubs.gif, considering that the 4img_site/clubs.gif open is reserved for Namyats open.

Note1: Experience has shows that if we have a hand without a sure entry and not have the ace in the long suit, per example:
img_site/hearts.gifJximg_site/diamonds.gifJximg_site/clubs.gifKQJ9876 it is a very bad an open in 3img_site/clubs.gif if partner is unpassed hand, because if he bid 3nt with good stoppers in the others suit but with only 2 cards in our long suit then opponents will not serve their ace in first round and partner will make only 1 trick in Clubs!
Note2: When we are Vul against nVul and partner is a passed hand the preempt in level 2 is like an open in level 1 but shows six solid cards with good middle like:
img_site/spades.gifAK1098x img_site/hearts.gifxx img_site/diamonds.gifKQx img_site/clubs.gifxx  or img_site/spades.gifxx img_site/hearts.gifx img_site/diamonds.gifAQJ98x img_site/clubs.gifA109x.
But in opposite vulnerability, we nVul, when partner is passed, we can open even with 5 cards to disturb easy auction for opponents and also make a indication of lead:
img_site/hearts.gifxxx img_site/diamonds.gifxxx img_site/clubs.gifxx  or img_site/spades.gifxx img_site/hearts.gifQJx img_site/diamonds.gifKQJ9x img_site/clubs.gifxx.

Note3: After an open preempt in first or second position is opponents bid a suit the partern's double is penalty, so we must pass.

Note4: Experience has show that we should not preempt having also four cards in a major.
Bluff Situation:
a) Imagine that you have
img_site/spades.gif10xxx img_site/hearts.gifxx img_site/diamonds.gifJxxx img_site/clubs.gifKxx  and the auction is:
partner  opponent1  you 
img_site/spades.gif          pass            ?  => 4img_site/spades.gif is a natural bid to disturb possible Slam 

b) Imagine that you have
img_site/spades.gif10xxx img_site/hearts.gifx img_site/diamonds.gifJxxx img_site/clubs.gifAKxxx  e o Leilão corre: 
parceiro oponente1  você
img_site/diamonds.gif          pass            ?  => 5img_site/clubs.gif is a good bid to indication of lead and if you are doubled then you bid 5img_site/diamonds.gif  

Imagine that you have
img_site/spades.gifKxx img_site/hearts.gifJ9xxx img_site/diamonds.gifxxx img_site/clubs.gifKx  and the auction is:
partner  opponent1  you 
img_site/spades.gif          pass            ?  => 3img_site/spades.gif is a 100% sign-off to disturb auction   

Special Preempt Open
1- Gambling – The 3nt open shows 7/8 cards in a minor suit with the top 3 top honors and no other A or K.
If opponent pass and partner have 2 aces and stopper in other suit he must pass in a hand like: 
J10xx img_site/hearts.gifAx img_site/diamonds.gifxxx img_site/clubs.gifAxxx
but if your hand dont have stopper in 2 suits you should bid
4img_site/clubs.gif and partner will pass if Clubs is his suit or bid 4img_site/diamonds.gif if Diamonds is his suit.

But if you have a special hand like:
img_site/spades.gifxx img_site/hearts.gifAx img_site/diamonds.gifJxx img_site/clubs.gifAKJ10xx 
and you have an agreement with your partner that 4
img_site/diamonds.gif is a reserved bid to ask for singleton with the follow answer (4img_site/hearts.gif=singleton img_site/hearts.gif; 4
img_site/spades.gif=singleton img_site/spades.gif; 4nt=singleton in the other minor;  and the bid of the minor is sign-off with  7222 no singleton)  you make a try to Slam using this agreement.

Partner  Opponent1  you  Opponent2
   3nt         pass           4
img_site/diamonds.gif      passo
img_site/spades.gif        double          ? => you have luck partner is singleton is Spades so
                                                  now you jump to partnes minor bidding 6

Another usual convention is after the gambling open in 3ST the bid of 4nt ask if Opener have 7 or 8 cards. In case of 8 cards Opener bid 6nt and the Responder hand should be like:
Axx img_site/hearts.gifAxx img_site/diamonds.gifJxx img_site/clubs.gifAKxx 

Nota5: The Gambling open cannot have void. So with void you can open at level 5 with 8 cards or at level 1.

2- NAMYATS it is a similar open with closed suit having a major with  7º/8º cards like
img_site/spades.gifAKQ10xxx or img_site/hearts.gifAKQ98732.
So the open of 4
img_site/clubs.gif shows img_site/hearts.gifAKQ98732 or img_site/hearts.gifAKQ9873;
and the open of 4
img_site/diamonds.gif shows  img_site/spades.gifAKQ98732 or img_site/spades.gifAKQ9873

If Responder bid the Opener suit this is sign-off
Opener Responder
   4img_site/clubs.gif          4img_site/hearts.gif => sign-off

Opener Responder

img_site/diamonds.gif           4img_site/spades.gif => sign-off

Note6: Asking for a singleton is possible bidding the next suit (relay).

   Opener       Responder
 4img_site/clubs.gif (7img_site/hearts.gif+)        4img_site/diamonds.gif => ask for singleton

img_site/hearts.gif  => 7222 no singleton
   4nt => singleton the other major (img_site/spades.gif)
   5img_site/clubs.gif => singleton in img_site/clubs.gif
   5img_site/diamonds.gif => singleton in img_site/diamonds.gif

   Opener       Responder
 4img_site/diamonds.gif (7img_site/spades.gif+)        4img_site/diamonds.gif => ask for singleton

img_site/spades.gif  => 7222 no singleton
   4nt => singleton the other major (img_site/hearts.gif)
   5img_site/clubs.gif => singleton in img_site/clubs.gif
   5img_site/diamonds.gif => singleton in img_site/diamonds.gif

After Opener deny singleton Responder can ask for king bidding 4nt after ask for a singleton or bidding 4nt without ask for a singleton.

Note7: This open cannot have void neither another ace, but only one additional king is possible. So if Responder bid 4nt he is asking to Opener if he have any other king or not.
Opener   Responder
img_site/clubs.gif          4nt => ask for king

img_site/clubs.gif no additional king
  5img_site/diamonds.gif one additional king
  5img_site/hearts.gif one king with a Queen in the same suit.

Opener   Responder
   4img_site/diamonds.gif          4nt => ask for king

img_site/clubs.gif no additional king
  5img_site/diamonds.gif one additional king
  5img_site/spades.gif one king with a Queen in the same suit.

img_site/spades.gifxx img_site/hearts.gifAKQ9832 img_site/diamonds.gifxx img_site/clubs.gifKx
Responder: img_site/spades.gif
AKx img_site/hearts.gifxxx img_site/diamonds.gifAxxx img_site/clubs.gifAxx
Opener          Responder
img_site/clubs.gif                 4img_site/diamonds.gif => ask for a singleton
    4img_site/hearts.gif = no
        4nt => ask for a king
img_site/diamonds.gif = 1 K       6nt => in MP     

Note8: If Opener have 8 cards in his suit after 4nt he bid 6nt without King.

One advantage of this type of preempt bid with closed suit is that a transfer can be made.
Suppose you have:
img_site/spades.gifKxx img_site/hearts.gifxxx img_site/diamonds.gifAxx img_site/clubs.gifAKQJ
and partner open 4img_site/clubs.gif showing 7img_site/hearts.gif with AKQxxxx, you know he cann't have another ace, so he don't have img_site/spades.gifA and you have 5 sure tricks and can if you is the declarer you have control in img_site/spades.gif, so bid 6nt. 

Supose your partner open gambling 3nt and you have:
img_site/spades.gifAKxxx img_site/hearts.gifAKxx img_site/diamonds.gifJx img_site/clubs.gifJx
What you bid having 2 sure losers in one minor?
You jump to 5
img_site/clubs.gif then if Clubs is your partner suit he pass, but if his suit is Diamonds he bid 5
img_site/diamonds.gif, because you know there are 11 tricks.

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