hcp (high cards points) The rules propose for this opening apply only for non passed hand with an auction without interference. With interference read here. RULE-01: After a minor opening (1/1) the following responses bids are transfers for strong hand receive the lead: 4 transfer to 4; 4 transfer to 4; 4 transfer to the other minor not bided. These rare hands with 7/8 cards should be limited up to 10 hcp with only one ace and good suit (up to 1,5 loser). RULE-02: After a minor opening (1/1) the response in 4 is Gerber even if with interference in the auction. The Gerber used here has no continuation for asking Kings, so any bid by Responder after the Gerber's response will be conclusive. When Responder needs to know about the possession of trump's Queen it's necessary first support partner at level 2 (using inverted minors conventions) and after apply the Kantar' RKB schema, so Gerber is only for aces: Opener Responder Opener Responder 1 4 <= Gerber 1 4 <= Gerber ? ? The answers are: 4=zero or 4 aces/ 4=1 ace/ 4=2 aces /4nt=3 aces After the Gerber Responder's bids in: 4; 4; 5; 5; 6; 6; 6; 6; 6nt; 7x are conclusive. Some possible hands to use Gerber after minor opening are: a) x KQJ109xx AKQJ x b) AKQJ10xx Kx x KQx c) x KQx KQJ109x AKx d) AKx x KQJ10xxxx x e) x KQ10 KQx AKQJxx f) x x KQJ10x AKQ10xx Remeber that: 1 response 4 is transfer to 4 so can't be RKB1430. RULE-03: After a minor opening (1/1) the response in jump to level 2 like 2/2 are weak showing 6/7 cards with less than 6 hcp, so Responder may pass after Opener's second bid in other suit or rebiding his own suit, but some possible hands used as weak jump like below can fit with Opener's hand and game can be possible: a) Qxx QJ10xxx xx xx b) K109xxxx x xx Jxx c) xx A1098765 xx xx d) x KJ106543 xxx x e) xx KQ10865xx xxx f) KJ8732 xx xx Jxx RULE-04: After a minor opening (1/1) the directly response in jump to level 3 like 3/3 are splinters GF showing 5 cards support in the opening minor and singleton in the major bidded. These responses has strength limited up to 18 points (3 points for the singleton and up to 15 hcp). Possible hands to use mini splinters at level 3 after 1 are: a) x Q10x Kxxx AQzxx <= 3 splinter (14 points) b) AJx x Kxx KJ10xxx <= 3 splinter (15 points) c) KQx Kxx x AJ10xxx <= 3 splinter (16 points) Possible hands to use mini splinters at level 3 after 1 are: d) x KJx 109x AQxxxx <= 3 splinter (13 points) e) KQx - AJxxx A9xxx <= 3 splinter (17 points) RULE-05: After 1 opening the response 3 means 6+ cards with 8-11 points (each card after the 4th card counts 1 point) and the hand must have honors concentration in Clubs. This is a special need of 2/1 system to be Two Overc One Game Force considering that response 1nt is up to 9-10-hcp and response 2nt is restricted to 11 hcp without singleton or 6+ cards. RULE-06: Hands limited up to 15 hcp with distribution 6-5 where the 6 cards suit is low ranking like 6-5 or 6-5 or 6-5 or 6-5 or 6-5 depending on the number of losers - up to 4 - may be opening in the low ranking suit with 6 cards and after reverse bidding the high ranking suit. But the non good suits (more than 4 losers) should be treated as 5-5 hands bidding first high ranking 5 cards suit and then twice the 6 cards suit, if it is possible. Of course hands 6-5 with 16+ hcp should always be bidded in reverse. example x KJ865 x AKJxxx opening 1 and after response 1 second bid is 2 and if Responder bids 2/2nt then third bid is 3. x KJ1098 x AKJ10xx opening 1 and after response 1 second bid is 2 and if Responder bids 2/2nt then third bid is 3. but when the suits are Spades and a minor weak 6-5 should nor be opened in one Spades like: KQ7xx 5 x AKJxxx opening 1 and after response 1 second bid is 1 if Responde bids 1nt or 2 then third bid is 2 AKJxx 6 x AKJxxx opening 1 if Responder bids 1 then Opener's second bid is 2 because Opener has 4 or less losers so after Responder bids 2nt/3/3 Opener rebids Spades AKJxx 6 KQJ10xx x opening 1 if Responder bids 1 then Opener's second bid is 2 because Opener has up to 4 losers Some partership still play like old fashion in jump to 4 level to show a 6-5 hand minor-major with up to 4 losers, but we believe that is more construtive and possible shows these hands in low level as we exemplify above allowing the level 4 to be used in asking for keycards with void in the suit bidded and with strong support in Responder suit. Of course these situations occurs rarely but we should be prepared with a specific bid. Opener Responder Opener: KQx KJ103 - AKJ10xx 1 1 or Opener: - AJ103 Kxx AKQ10xx 4/4 <=EKB1430 (Exclusion Keycard Blackwood) the suit bidded by Opener is a void and any ace should be ignore step1 = 1 or 4 keycards step2 = 0 or 3 keycards step3 = 2 keycards without Q step3 = 2 keycards with Q After the Responder answer the bid of 5/6/6 are conclusive But the next suit is asking for the Queen and another suit is SSA (Specific Suit Ask) read SSA ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 OPENING - without interference by opponents Opener Responder 1 ? 1 => generally 5+ cards and no major if Responder has 5+4M then: with 12+ hcp Responder bids first 1 and after 1nt/2 Responde then bids his major in reverse showing 5-4; with 5-11 hcp Responder bids first his major and after 1nt Responder may: pass; Responder may: bid 2nt invitation with 10-11 hcp; Responder may: bid 3 sign-off with 6-4major up to 9 hcp because now the 2 bid is artificial for NMF. Note: After response 1 Opener only bids a major with 54M - read Walsh convention. 1 => 4+ cards 6+ hcp 1 => 4+ cards 6+ hcp 1nt => denies major 6-10- hcp and denies 5/5 cards 2 => 5+ cards and 10+ hcp - read inverted-minors Responde hand with 12+ hcp and distribution 4333 or 4432 may support Opener with only 4 cards but with only 10-11 hcp need 5+ cards for inverted 2 => 6+ cards weak - less than 6 hcp - need one top honor: xx Jxx KJxxxx xx x Jxx QJ10xxxx xx 10xx x A109876 Jxx 2 => 6+ cards weak - less than 6 hcp - need one top honor: x QJ98xx 987 Jxx/ Qx K1098xx 9x Jxx xxx A98xxxx - Jxx 2 => 6+ cards weak - less than 6 hcp - need one top honor K98xxx x xxx Jxx A98xxxx xx xx xx QJ1098xxx x xx Jxx 2nt => 11 hcp no majorn no 5+ cards -semi stoppers in majors K108 A10x Q10x Q9xx QJ8 J10x K109 KJxx J98 KQ9 KQ98 109x 3 => 5+ cards weak 5-9 hcp - read inverted-minors 3 => singleton 5+ cards up to 18 points -GF - denies major 3 => singleton 5+ cards up to 18 points -GF - denies major 3 => singleton 5+ cards up to 18 points -GF - denies major 3nt => balanced 16-17 hcp with 4 in 4333 or 4432 KJ8 AQ xK10x K9xx or AJ KQ8 QJ10x QJ9x read 1minor-3nt 4 => Gerber asking for aces (do not imply in Clubs support) 4 => transfer to 4 7/8 cards no 2 aces up to 10 hcp 8 KQJ109xx A7 109x or 8 AQJ109xx 7 1097x 4 => transfer to 4 7/8 cards no 2 aces up to 10 hcp AQJ1098x 9 K75 10x or KQJ1098xx 9 K7 10x 4 => transfer to other minor (5) no 2 aces up to 10 hcp 10x x AKJ98732 Jx or x x KQJ10763 Kxxx 4nt => RKB1430 for Clubs - afraid interference strong hand 5 => preemptive 7/8 cards - no aces or void - up to 10 hcp J109 9 K5 KJ10xxxx or x K109 x KQJ10xxxx 5/5/5 => exclusion RKB1430 for very strong Responder's hand (the suit bidded can't be counted for ace) ................ 1step= 1 or 4 keycards; 2step= 0 or 3 keycards; ................ 3step= 2 keycards without Q; 4step= 2 keycards with Q. Opener's second bid after response 1 Opener Responder 1 1 ? 1 => shows 54: Jx KQxx Qx AJ98x (Walsh) or 4414 1 => shows 54: QJxx KQx x AQ98x (in Walsh promise 5+) can also have a weak hand 11-14 hcp with 6+5 or 5-5 1nt => balanced hand - no singleton: QJ8x KQ92 Qx K9x (playing Walsh can have both majors in this sequence) 2 => shows 6+ cards up to 17 hcp : Qx KQx xx AQ98xx note: if Clubs is a good suit then with 16-17 hcp jump to 3 2 => support with honor 3rd or 4 cards: xx KJ8 AJx AJ982 or x KJ8 Axxx AJ982 2 => reverse 16+ HCP with 5+4: Kx KQ10x Qx AQJ9x also may be a 6+5 up to 4 losers: x KJ1098 x AKJ10xx After a reverse Responder must use Leb reverse convention published at LEBENSOHL CONVENTION where: Responder shows a weak hand (5-7 hcp) bidding 2nt that is transfer to 3 (bidding 3 establishing GF sequence). Responder then can pass in 3 or rebid his suit to sign-off Thus, after 2nt Opener with a low reverse 16+-18- hcp bids 3 but with a high reverse 19-21 hcp don't accept the sign-off and bids 3nt or game in a minor suit or bid the 4th suit for GF. 2 => analogous previous situation 2ST=> balanced hand with 18-19 hcp, ex: K10x KQ10x Qx AQJ9 Responder with 5-6 hcp can pass; Responder with 7-12 can sign-off in 3nt; Responder with 13+ can search for Diamonds support bidding a reverse 3/3 suit with Slam interest. 3 => 6+ solid cards with 16-17 hcp (AKQxxx or AKJxxxx) Axx 10x Kx AKQ10xx or Kxx x Ax AKJxxxxx Responder can: pass; bid 3nt; bid a major stopper to try 3nt or just support Opener in 4 to try Slam or just game 3 => support with 4 cards and 16-17 hcp - almost a GF unless Responder has weak 5-7 hcp. Thus, any major bided by in sequence is (in principle) a stopper trying 3nt, but can be a cuebid with Slam interest if Responder continue after 3nt. 3/3 => are splinters with 4 cards support and up to 18 points - GF Kxx x KQxx AQJ9x or x Kxx A109x AKJ9x Note: when a fit is found and hand have a singleton we add 3 points for the singleton having 4 cards support. So, points = hcp + distribution values, 3ST => solid Clubs suit AKQJxx, AKQ10xxx, with stoppers in majors Ax Q10x x AKQJ9xx or Kx Kx x AKJxxxxx 4 => cuebid in Clubs with 4 support (Kx xx KQxx AKQJ9) waiting for cuebid to bid 4nt1430 to try Slam 4 => RKB1430 for - Opener has strong support for Diamonds GF 4 => EKB1430 for with void in Opener has strong support for Kxx - KJ10x AKJxxx or Ax - QJ109 AK109xxx Exclusion Keycard Blackwood responses are: step1 = 1 or 4; step2= 0 or 3; step3= 2 without Queen; step4= 2 with Queen. 4 => EKB1430 for with void in Opener has strong support for - Kxx KJ10x AKJxxx or - Axx QJ109 AK109xx 4nt => Blackwood for aces - want to know if partner has A not K probably strong Clubs hand with singleton Diamonds 5 => to play - no strong hand just long suit 7/8 - up to 15 hcp: A8 x Jxx AKJ10xxx or x Ax xx KQJ10xxxx Opener's second bid after response 1 Opener Responder 1 1 ? 1 => 4+ cards and 12-15 hcp but can also have a weak hand with 6+5 1nt => shows 12-14 hcp and 4/5 cards 2 => normally 6 cards: Qx x KQxx AK98xx but may also have 5 in 1345 distribution 2 => 5/4 reverse hand 16-21 hcp - Responder must use Leb for reverse now may have also 6/5 with up to 4 losers not strong in hcp 2 => 4 cards support - 12-14 hcp 2 => 5/4 reverse hand 16-21 hcp Responder must use Leb for reverse now 2nt => balanced hand 18-19 hcp Responder can use New Minor Forcing bidding 3 Opener with balanced hand and 18-19 hcp having 4 cards should not jump to game in 4, because a jump for 4 shows good distributional hand without strength 18-19 hcp, so Opener first jump to 2nt and in 3rd bid then 4. 3 => good 6+ cards with 16-17 hcp not GF AKQxxx or AKJxxxx or KQJ10xxx Responder can pass, bid 3nt with stopper in unbid suits, bid 3 with stopper trying a possible 3nt if Opener has stopper in , or rebiding 3 asking for support of 3 cards. 3 => splinter singleton - support 4 up to 18 points Axx AJ10x x KQ98x Responder rebids 3 is sign-off 3 => 4 cards support 16-17 hcp can be 5422 or hand that could be opened in 1nt (AJ10x AJ10x xx KQ10) but having both majors was opened in a minor to find fit in major. 3 => splinter GF with 4 cards and 18+ points Responder 4 is cuebid support (A/K) and in 4 is a cuebid (A) both showing Slam interest. This hand is GF more strong than jump to 4 because allow possibility of Responder's cuebid: x AJxx Ax AKJ10xx 3nt => solid Clubs suit AKQJxxx, AKJ10xxx, with stopper in , and semi stopper in Kx xx Q10x AKQJ9xx or QJx x Ax AKJ109xx 4 => cuebid strong suit with 4 cards (Kx KQxx xx AKQ109) waiting for cuebid to bid 4nt RKB1430 to try Slam 4 => splinter with 4 cards support and strong hand 18+ points 4 => distributional hand 4 support limited at 16 hcp xx AK10x xx AKJ9x 4 => EKB1430 for with void in Opener has strong support for - KJ10x K10x AKJxxx or - AJ10x QJ9 AK109xx Exclusion Keycard Blackwood responses are: step1 = 1 or 4; step2= 0 or 3; step3= 2 without Queen; step4= 2 with Queen. 4nt => RKB1430 for Hearts 5 => to play 7/8 cards up to 15 hcp x Qx Kx AKJ98xxx or x Kx Kxx AKQ1098x Opener's second bid after response 1 Opener Responder 1 1 ? 1nt => no 4 cards - limit hand to 12-14 hcp - 2 => normally 6 cards or 5 with a singleton (probably ) 2 => 5/4 reverse hand 16-21 hcp Responder must use Leb for reverse now 2 => 5/4 reverse hand 16-21 hcp Responder must use Leb for reverse now 2 => 4 cards - 12-14 hcp - 2nt => balanced hand 18-19 hcp Responder can use New Minor Forcing bidding 3 Opener with balanced hand and 4 cards should not jump to game in because a jump for 4 shows good distributional hand but not strength 18-19 hcp, so Opener first jump to 2nt and in 3rd bid then 4. 3 => 6+ cards with 16-17 hcp (AKQxxx or AKJxxxx) then Responder can pass, bid 3nt, bid 3 showing 5+ and denying 4 or 4, or both stoppers to bid 3nt. 3 => splinter singleton and 4 cards support up to 17 points this splinter is more weak than the 4 splinter that is GF all splinter at level 3 shows up to 15 hcp so not GF 3 => splinter singleton and 4 cards support 16+ points 3 => 4 cards support 15-17 hcp can be 5-4-2-2 or a balanced hand that could be opened in 1nt (AJ10x AJ10x xx KQ10) but having both majors is preferred to be opened in a minor to find fit in a major (denies singleton in 5431 hand). 3nt => solid Clubs suit AKQJxxx, AKJ10xxx, with stopper , Kx xx Q10x KQJ9xx or QJx x Ax AKJ109xx 4 => cuebid in Clubs with 4 support (KQxx Kx xx AKQ109) waiting for cue bid 4 => splinter with support 4 cards and 18-21 points KQxx Kxx x AKQ109 4 => splinter with support of 4 cards and 18-21 points KQxx x Kxx AKQ109 4 => distributional hand 4 support limited at 16 hcp AK10x xxxx AKJ108 4nt => RKB1430 for 5 => to play 7/8 cards (Qx x Kx AKJ98xxx / Kx x Kxx AKQ1098x) Opener's second bid after response 1nt Opener Responder 1 1nt ? pass => nothing to do - up to 14 hcp 2 => normally 6 cards or 5 with a singleton in a major - sign-off 2 => 5/4 reverse hand 16-21 hcp or a 6/5 with up to 4 losers Responder must use Leb for reverse now 2 => 5/4 reverse hand 16-21 hcp or a 6/5 with up to 4 losers 2 => 5/4 reverse hand 16-21 hcp or a 6/5 with up to 4 losers 2nt => invitation hand possible 6322 or 5422 with 15-16 hcp 3 => good suit 6/7 cards - Responder with stopper in both majors may bids 3nt or just bids his major's stopper. Then Opener rebids Clubs without the other major stopper or bids 3nt. 3 => reverse in jump shows a self splinter with good 6/7 cards in Responder decide: 3nt; 4 sign-off; 5 or bidding a major at level 3 shows a stopper with stopper in Qxx Axx x AKQxxx or QJx Ax x AKJ10xxx 3 => singleton with solid Clubs suit - not GF AJx x Jx AKQxxxz or QJx x A10x AKQ10xx Responder decide: 3nt; 4 sign-off; 5 3 => singleton with solid Clubs suit - invitation hand Responder decide: 3nt; 4 sign-off or 5. 3nt => to play 18-19 hcp 4 => Gerber - asking for aces - Slam interest possible special hand: Ax x KQ10x AKJ98xx 4 => EKB1430 with void in and solid Clubs suit - GF 4 => EKB1430 with void in and solid Clubs suit - GF 4 => EKB1430 with void in and solid Clubs suit - GF 5 => to play: - AJx KQJ9 KQJ1098 Auction development when Opener rebids 1 after Responder bids 1 Opener Responder 1 1 1 ? 1 => 4th suit GF - ask for stop or explanation of the hand no promises 4 cards 1nt => shows stopper and limited Response's hand in 7-10 hcp 2 => 3+ cards - sign-off - up to 9 hcp 2 => 5+ sign-off - up to 9 hcp 2 => 3 cards - long suit with a singleton 2 => reverse hand 5+4 FG more than 12 hcp 2nt => 11-12 hcp invitation to 3nt with Spades stopper 3 => 5+4 10-11 hcp invitation 3 => 6+ 10-11 hcp invitation 3 => 5+4 reverse hand more strong than jump to 4 asking for cue bid un passant 3 => 6+5 distributional hand weak - good Diamons and bad Spades 8-10 hcp 98xxx xx AKJxxx - 108xxx x AK109xx x J7xxx xx KQJ109x - 3nt => to play - good stop in Spades 4 => Gerber asking for aces - interest in Slam - maybe as trump 4 => cue bid 5+4 (solid Diamonds - good support in ) 12-14 hcp 4 => 5+4 12-14 hcp but Diamons not solid 4 => 5-6 strong distributional hand 11+ hcp: QJ109x - AKJxxx xx Opener with 2 and 2 or 1 must prefer so pass only with 3 cards 4nt => RKM1430 for 5 => to play (- xx AKxxx J109xxxx) 5 => to play (Jx Q98 KQJ10xxxx -) 5 => exclusion RKC for with void in Note1: The Exclusion Roman Key Card have answer in 4 steps - can use RKC0314/1430: RKC0314 RKC1430 step1 = 0-3 key cards step1 = 1-4 key cards step2 = 1-4 key cards step2 = 0-3 key cards step3 = 2 key cards step3 = 2 key cards step4 = 2 key cards + Queen step4 = 2 key cards + Queen In case the exclusion is made in 5 (void) then step1=5nt; step2=6; step3=6; step4=6 Auction development when Opener rebids 1 after Responder bids 1 Opener Responder 1 1 1 ? pass => deny 4 or 4 cards and shows weak hand 5-8 hcp 1nt => shows stopper and limit Response's hand in 7-10 hcp 2 => 3+ cards - sign-off - up to 9 hcp 2 => 5+ sign-off - up to 9 hcp 2 => 4th suit GF asking for explanation of Opener's hand not promises stopper Opener with stopper in bid 2nt prioritily, in second priority bid 3 with 3 cards support, or rebid Clubs (3). 2 => 5+ and 4 with 12+ hcp 2nt => 11-12 hcp invitation to 3nt with stopper 3 => 5+4 10-11 hcp invitation 3 => 6+ 10-11 hcp invitation 3 => 6+5 8-10 hcp and probably is a bad suit and top honors are in Diamonds suit xx 98xxx AKJxxx - x 107432 AKJ109x x Jx J8xxx KQJ109x - 3 => 4 cards bad and good honors in Diamons - 10-11 hcp 3nt => to play - good stop in Hearts 4 => Gerber ask for aces - interest in Slam - maybe as trump 4 => cuebid 5+4 (good Diamonds and support in 12-14 hcp 4 => 6+5 strong distributional hand - x QJ109x AKJxxx x Opener with 2 and 2 or 1 must prefer so pass only with 3 cards 4 => 4-5+ 12-14 hcp but not strong (jump bid of 4 is strong) 4nt => RKC for 5 => to play (- xx AKxxx J109xxxx) 5 => to play (Jx Q98 KQJ10xxxx -) 5 => exclusion RKC for with void in Note2: The Exclusion Roman Key Card have answer in 4 steps - can use RKC0314/1430: RKC0314 RKC1430 step1 = 0-3 key cards step1 = 1-4 key cards step2 = 1-4 key cards step2 = 0-3 key cards step3 = 2 key cards step3 = 2 key cards step4 = 2 key cards + Queen step4 = 2 key cards + Queen In case the exclusion is made in 5 (void) then step1=5; step2=5nt; step3=6; step4=6 Auction development when Opener rebids 1nt after Responder bids 1 Opener Responder 1 1 1nt ? pass => nothing to do - up to 10 hcp 2 => sign-off 4+ cards up to 10 hcp 2 => sign-off good 5+ cards up to 10 hcp 2 => 5+4 FG 12+ hcp (Walsh) 2 => 5+4 FG 12+ hcp 2nt => invitation 10+-11 hcp with good 9/10/J cards 3 => invitation with 5-4 cards and 10-11 hcp can have singleton in a major 3 => invitation 10-11 hcp to game with good 6 like: AQJ986 or AK10xxx 3 => 6-5 weak distributional hand 8-10 hcp no GF: x Q9xxx AQxxxx x or - A9xxx KQJ9xx xz 3 => 5-6 weak distributional hand 8-10 hcp no GF: J10xxx x AKxxxx x or Q87xx x KQJxxxx - 3nt => to play 4 => Gerber - ask for aces - Slam interest 4 => Diamonds suit solid (AKQ10xxx) - asking for cuebid or 5 4 => 6-5 good distributional hand 10 hcp: x Q987x AQJ10xx x Opener with 2 and 2 must prefer 4 => 5-6 good distributional hand 10 hcp: J109xx - AKJxxx xx Opener with 2 and 2 must prefer 4nt => RKC for 5 => to play (- xx AKxxx J109xxxx) 5 => to play (Kx - KQJ10xxxx Q98) Auction development when Opener rebids 1 after Responder bids 1 Opener Responder 1 1 1 ? pass => deny 4 or 4 cards and shows weak hand 5-8 hcp 1nt => 6-10 hcp should have stopper in sign-off 2 => support 4+ 6-9 hcp sign-off 2 => the 4º suit ask for explanation - need 10+ hcp shows 5 cards Opener bids 2 with 3 cards and no top honor (A/K/Q) 3 with 3 cards and one or more top honors 2 with weak hand 11-13 hcp and 5-5 or 6-5 2nt with stopper in and deny support in 3 with 5 cards and no stopper in and no support in 3nt with 14-16 hcp 1,5 stopper in possible singleton Responder after has bidded the 4º suit, if support Opener in one of his suits (here or ) makes the bidding GF and in a cooperative way try now to search Slam, but if Responder rebids his suit showing 6 permits that Opener pass with singleton if Opener is limited at 14 hcp. 2 => Responder rebiding his suit is 100% sign-off 5-9 hcp Jx QJ987 Jxxxx x or Jx KJ987x Jxxx x 2 => support 4 cards 6-9 hcp 2nt => 10+-11 hcp with stopper - invitation to 3nt 3 => invitation 10+-11 hcp support 4+ cards - could have 5 3 => shows 6-4 and is sign-off for a partnership playing Walsh Jx QJ98 KJxxxx x or x J987x KQ10xxxx x 3 => invitation with 6 cards 10-11 hcp - Opener pass with singleton 3 => invitation with 4 cards 10-11 hcp - Opener may pass 3nt => to play 4 => GF strong support in Clubs Slam interest asked for cuebid or 5 4 => GF splinter with 4 support and 13-16 hcp, ask for cuebid or 4 4 => to play 7/8 cards 4 => to-play -4 cards 11-14 hcp 4ST=> RKC for (last suit bid by Opener) 5 => to play - good distribution hand with 5+ cards 11-13 hcp 5 => exclusion RKC for with void in In exclusion for 5 rkc step1=5; step2=5; step3=5nt; step4=6 Auction development when Opener rebids 1nt after Responder bids 1 Opener Responder 1 1 1nt ? pass => denies 4+ cards and shows weak hand 5-9 hcp 2 => support 4+ 6-9 hcp sign-off 2 => the NMF - need 10+ hcp shows 5 cards 2 => Responder rebiding his suit is 100% sign-off 5-9 hcp Jx QJ987 Jxxxx x or Jx KJ987x Jxxx x 2 => shows 4-5 one-round force 10+ hcp 2nt => 10+-11 hcp - invitation to 3nt 3 => invitation 10+-11 hcp support 4+ cards - could have 5 3 => shows 6-4 and is sign-off for a partnership playing Walsh Jx QJ98 KJxxxx x or x J987x KQ10xxxx x 3 => invitation with 6 cards 10-11 hcp - Opener pass with singleton 3 => 5-6 cards 8-10 hcp - Opener pass without honors in majors 3nt => to play 4 => GF strong support in Clubs Slam interest asked for cuebid or 5 4 => GF splinter with 4 support and 13-16 hcp, ask for cuebid or 4 4 => to play 7/8 cards 4 => splinter singleton and 5+ cards with 11-14 hcp 4ST=> RKC for (last suit bid by Opener) 5 => to play - good distribution hand 11-13 hcp Auction development whenr Opener rebids 1nt after Responder bids 1 Opener Responder 1 1 1nt <= 12-14 hcp - or 15 hcp with singleton in - denies 5 cards ? pass => nothing to do 2 => support with 4+ and 6-9 hcp 2 => NMF – read www.bridge.pro.br/nmf.htm after NMF the support in 3 become GF and search to Slam also the bid of 3 is now GF showing 5-5 and 12+ hcp 2 => 5-4+ sign-off 5-9 hcp - Opener must pass or correct 2 => 5+ cards 5-9 hcp sign-off 100% 2nt => invitation 11 hcp 3 => 4+cards 10-11 hcp invitation 3 => 6-4 sign-off for partnership that play Walsh Jxxx 8 KJxxxx xx or Axxx 7x Q10xxxxx x 3 => 5-5 10-11 hcp – Opener decide: pass/3 or bid game 3 => 6 invitation 10-11 hcp - Operner decide between pass or 4 3nt => to play 4 => GF strong support in interest in Slam asked for cuebid or 5 4 => 6-5+ with misfit and weakness Opener can pass in 4 4 => 6-5+ Responde must choose the major 4 => to play 4ST => RKC for 5 => to play 4-5+ sign-off Note: if you do not play NMF read checkback-nmf-fsf Opener Responder <= this sequence is valid only for passed hand 1 1 1nt 2 is sign-off and shows 4-5+ 6-9 hcp Auction development when Opener rebids 2 after Responder bids 1nt Opener Responder 1 1nt 2 <= 6 - 12-15 hcp ? pass=> 6-8 hcp 2 => cuebid (A/KQx) 9-10 hcp with 3 cards - invitation 3nt or 5 2 => cuebid (A/KQx) 9-10 hcp with 3 cards - invitation 3nt or 5 2 => cuebid (A/KQx) 9-10 hcp with 3 cards - invitation 3nt or 5 2nt => invitation showing stoppers in both majors and 9-10 hcp 3 => 3+ weakness - afraid opponents reopen at level 2 - 6-8 hcp Auction development after Opener reverse in 2 after Responder 1nt Opener Responder 1 1nt 2 <= reverse hand 16-21 hcp - forcing one round ? 2 => show stopper in deny stopper in 8-10 hcp 2 => show stopper in deny stopper in 8-10 hcp 2nt => confirm stopper in majors minimum 6-7 hcp 3 => weak hand 6-7 hcp with 4 cards 3 => weak hand 6-7 hcp with 4 cards 3nt => confirm stopper in majors and 8-10 hcp 5 => to play Auction development after Opener reverse om 2 after Responder 1nt Opener Responder 1 1nt 2 <= reverse hand 16-21 hcp - forcing one round ? 2 => show stopper in minimum 6-7 hcp 2nt => deny stopper in minimum 6-7 hcp 3 => 3+ minimum 6-7 hcp 3 => 3+ no stopper in but honors in and maximum 8-10 hcp 3nt => confirm stopper in unbid suits and maximum 8-10 hcp 5 => to play Auction development when Opener reverse in 2 after Responder bids 1nt Opener Responder 1 1nt 2 <= reverse hand 16-21 hcp ? 2nt => confirm stopper in minimum 6-8 hcp 3 => 3+ denies stopper - minimum 6-8 hcp 3 => 3+ no stopper but with honors in and maximum 8-10 hcp 3nt=> confirm good stopper in unbid suits and maximum 8-10 hcp 5 => to play Auction development when Opener bids 1 and 2nt and Responder bids 1nt Opener Responder 1 1nt 2nt <= 16-17 hcp possible both major and no stopper in pass => minimum 6-7 hcp and stopper in 3 => 4 denies stopper - minimum 6-7 hcp 3nt => to play - maximum 8-10 with stopper Auction development when Opener rebids 3 after Responder bids 1nt Opener Responder 1 1nt 3 <= 6+ and 16-18 hcp - Responder pass, make try for game, bid game pass => weak hand 6-7 hcp 3 => shows stopper in want to know Opener stopper in major 3 => shows stopper in deny stopper in has semi stopper in 3 => shows stopper in deny stopper in has semi stopper in 3nt => shows stoppers in majors and has semi stopper in 8-10 hcp 5 => to play (J10x J9x AKJ9 10xx) Auction development when Opener bids 3/3 after Responder bids 1nt Opener Responder 1 1nt 3 <= 6+5 distributional hand - Responder with 6/7 hcp can pass or bid 4 3 <= 6+5 distributional hand - Responder with 6/7 hcp can pass or bid 4 Note: Responder should consider Ace in other suit as a useful card but not a King, so useful cards are honors in suit bidded by opener. Thus, 3nt bid is unthinkable because Opener have a weak hand. So, with an Ace in an unbid suit, any 4 cards support in Clubs and a King in the major bidded by Opener Responder should try 5. Auction development when Opener bids 1 and 3nt and Responder bids 1nt Opener Responder 1 1nt 3nt <= 18-19 hcp possible both major pass => nothing to do Auction development when Opener bids 4 Berber after Responder bids 1nt Opener Responder 1 1nt 4 <= Gerber - special hand - final contract 5 or 6 depends on aces possible hands: AKQx x 9 AKQ10xxx /x KQJ10 x AKQ10xxx Auction development when Opener bids 1 Responder bids 2 Opener Responder 1 2 <= inverted minors must be read Auction development when Opener bids 1 and Responder bids 2/2/2 Opener Responder 1 2 <= weak 6 cards - less than 6 hcp 1 2 <= weak 6 cards - less than 6 hcp 1 2 <= weak 6 cards - less than 6 hcp In all this situation Opener need prudence and may stop the auction with pass, but if Opener has Hxxx or HHx (like AKx or AQx) support and 18-19 hcp there are hope in 3nt game considering 6 tricks in the weak suit and entries to finesse in other suit. When Opener has fit in the weak long suit - by agreement with partner - he may bid 2nt to search for a singleton in Responder hand. This permits better decision from Opener to decide to play in 3nt or in the major at level 4. Corrolary: whitout fit there are no hopeless - Opener should not try a fit in other suit, even with a 5-5 hand is prudent to pass with singleton because we should make decision based in statistical and in this case sometimes may work and in many times will not work. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 OPENING Opener Responder Responses after 1 open - no interference in the auction 1 ? 1 => 4+ cards 6+ hcp 1 => 4+ cards 6+ hcp 1nt => deny major 6-10- hcp and deny 5 cards 2 => 4+ cards and 12+ hcp 2 => 4+ cards and 10+ hcp - read inverted-minors 2 => 6+ cards weak - less than 6 hcp x QJ98xx 987 Jxx Qx Q1098xx 9xJxx x K98xxxx xx Jxx 2 => 6+ cards weak - less than 6 hcp K98xxx x xxx Jxx A98xxxx xx xx xx Q1098xxx x xx Jxx 2nt => 11 hcp balanced hand - deny major - deny 5 cards - promise stopper in majors K108 A10x Q9x Q10xx QJ8 K10x Q10x K9xx QJ8 K98 1087 KQ109 3 => 6+ cards 8-11 points - special bid of 2/1 system with honors concentraded in Cçubs (Q10x x xx AQJxxx) 3 => 5+ cards 5-9 hcp - read inverted-minors 3/3 => 5+ splinter (singleton/void in the bided suit) 11-14 hcp - GF 3nt => balanced 16-17 hcp with 4 cards in 4333 or 4432 KJ8 AQ K9x K10xx or AQx KQ8 Q10x KJx read 1minor-3nt 4 => Gerber ask for aces (response 4=0/4, 4=1, 4=2, 4nt=3) 4 => transfer to 4 no 2 aces : 8 KQJ109xx K7 109x up to 10 hcp 4 => transfer to 4 no 2 aces : QJ1098xxx9A710x up to 10 hcp 4 => transfer to 5 no 2 aces : Kx - J32 AK10987xx up to 10 hcp 4nt => RKB1430 for Diamonds (afraid of interference - strong hand) 5 => to play - 6/7 cards support - deny aces or void 5/5/5 => exclusion RKC for (the suit bided can't be counted for ace) Auction development when Opener rebids 1 after Responder bids 1 Opener Responder 1 1 1 ? pass => deny 4 or 4 cards and shows weak hand 5-8 hcp 1nt => 6-10 hcp should have stopper in sign-off 2 => the 4º suit ask for explanation - need 10+ hcp and 5 cards Opener bids: 2 with 3 cards and no top honor (A/K/Q) 3 with 3 cards and one or more top honors 2 with weak hand 11-13 hcp and 6-5 or 7-5 2nt with stopper in and deny support in 3 with 5 cards and no stopper in and no support in 3nt with 14 hcp and 1,5 stopper in possible singleton Responder after 4º suit may support Opener in one of his suits ( or ) makes the bidding GF and in a cooperative way try now search for Slam, but if Responder rebids his suit showing 6 allows that Opener pass with singleton if Opener is limited at 14 hcp. 2 => support 4+ 6-9 hcp sign-off 2 => Responder rebids is sign-off 5-9 hcp (Jx QJ987 Jxxxx x) 2 => support 4 cards 6-9 hcp 2nt => 10+-11 hcp with stopper - invitation to 3nt 3 => 5-5 invitation Opener may pass in 3 in misfit/weakness 3 => invitation 10+-11 hcp support 4+ cards - could have 5 3 => invitation 6 cards 10-11 hcp - Opener can pass with singleton 3 => invitation with 4 cards 10-11 hcp - Opener can pass 3nt => to play 4 => GF - splinter with 4 cards support and 13-16 hcp, asks for cuebid or sign-off in 4 4 => GF – strong support in – Slam interest - asks for cuebid or 5 4 => to play 7/8 cards 4 => to-play -4 cards 11-13 hcp - good distribution 4ST=> RKC for (last suit bid by Opener) 5 => exclusion RKC for with void in Exclusion in 5 then rkc: step1=5; step2=5; step3=5nt; step4=6 5 => to play - good distribution hand with 5+ cards 11-13 hcp Auction development when Opener rebids 1nt after Responder bids 1 Opener Responder 1 1 1nt ? pass=> denies 4 cards and shows weak hand 5-8 hcp 2 => NMF - vide explanation in www.bridge.pro.br/nmf.htm 2 => support 4+ 6-9 hcp sign-off 2 => sign-off (Responde rebids his suit is sign-off) 5-9 hcp 2 => 5-4 GF - 12+ hcp - ask for 3 cards support, Opener with good stop in and no support may bid 3nt, but without stopper in and no support in Opener should rebid his Diamonds or with Spades honors bids 3 2nt => 11 hcp with stopper - invitation to 3nt 3 => 5-5 10-11 Opener may pass in misfit case or weakness 3 => 4+ 10+-11 hcp support 4+ cards - could have 5 3 => 6 cards 10-11 hcp Opener pass with singleton 3 => 6-5 GF distributional hand 3nt => to play 4 => Gerber - strong hand and possible good support in or solid 4 => GF – strong support in – Slam interesti- ask for cuebid or 5 4 => to play 7/8 cards 4 => spliinter - support in - Opener can ask RKC or sign-off in 5 4nt => RKC for 5 => exclusion RKC for with void in When exclusion is made in 5 then step1=5; step2=5; step3=5; step4=5nt 5 => to play - good distribution hand with 5+ cards 11-13 hcp Auction development whenr Opener rebids 1nt after Responder bids 1 Opener Responder 1 1 1nt <= 12-14 hcp - or 15 hcp with singleton in - denies 6 cards ? pass=> nothing to do 2 => NMF – read www.bridge.pro.br/nmf.htm after NMF the support in 3 become FG and search to Slam also the bid of 3 is now FG showing 5-5 and 12+ hcp 2 => support with 4+ and 6-9 hcp - sign-off 2 => 5-4+ sign-off - pass or correct - do not support 2 => 5+ cards 5-9 hcp sign-off 2nt => invitation 11 hcp 3 => 5-5 10-11 hcp – invitation - Opener decide: pass/3 or game 3 => 4+cards 10-11 hcp invitation 3 => 5-5 invitation 10-11 hcp – Opener decide: pass/3 or game 3 => 6 invitation 10-11 hcp - Operner decide between pass or 4 3nt => to play 4 => GF – strong support in interest in Slam cuebid or 5 sign-off 4 => 6-5+ with misfit and weakness Opener can pass in 4 4 => 6-5+ Opener must choose the major 4 => to play 4ST => RK1430 for 5 => to play 4-5+ sign-off Auction development when Opener rebids 2 after Responder bids 1nt Opener Responder 1 1nt 2 <= 12-16 hcp ? pass=> 4 and minimum 6-8 hcp 2 => 4 minimum 6-8 hcp 2nt => confirm stopper in majors maximum 9-10 hcp 3 => 5 and maximum 9-10 hcp 3 => 4 and maximum 9-10 hcp Auction development when Opener rebids 2 after Responder bids 1nt Opener Responder 1 1nt 2 <= 6 cards and 12-16 hcp ? pass=> 6-7 hcp 2 => cuebid (A/KQx) 9-10 hcp 3+ cards - invitation 3nt or 5 2 => cuebid (A/KQx) 9-10 hcp 3+ cards - invitation 3nt or 5 2nt => invitation showing stoppers in both majors and 9-10 hcp 3 => 3+ 5-8 hcp and afraid opponents reopen at level 2 in a major Auction development when Opener reverse 2 after Responder bids 1nt Opener Responder 1 1nt 2 <= reverse hand 16-21 hcp - one-round force ? 2 => shows stopper in minimum 6-8 hcp 2nt => deny stopper in minimum 6-8 hcp 3 => 5+ minimum 6-8 hcp 3 => 3+ no stopper in but honor in and maximum 9-10 hcp 3nt=> confirm stopper in unbid suits and 9-10 hcp Auction development when Opener reverse 2 after Responder bids 1nt Opener Responder 1 1nt 2 ? 2nt => confirm stopper in minimum 6-7 hcp 3 => 5+ cards minimum 6-8 hcp 3 => 3+ no stopper in but honors in with maximum 8-10 hcp 3nt => confirm stopper in unbid suits and 8-10 hcp Auction development when Opener rebids 2nt after Responder bids 1nt Opener Responder 1 1nt 2nt <= 15-17 hcp possible both major and shorter in pass => minimum 6-7 hcp 3nt => to play - maximum 8-10 with stopper in Auction development when Opener rebids 3 after Responder bids 1nt Opener Responder 1 1nt 3 <= 6+ and 16-18 hcp - Responder pass or make try for game pass => weak hand 6-7 hcp 3 => show stopper in but deny stopper in have semi stopper in 3 => show stopper in but deny stopper in have semi stopper in 3nt => show stopper in majors and have semi stopper in 8-10 hcp 5 => to play (J10x J9x Jxx AK109) Auction development when Opener shows 6/5 distribution bidding a major at level 3 after Responder bids 1nt Opener Responder 1 1nt 3 <= 6+5 distributional hand - Responder with 6/7 hcp pass or bid 4 3 <= 6+5 distributional hand - Responder with 6/7 hcp pass or bid 4 Note: Responder should consider Ace in other suit as a useful card but not but a King, so useful cards are honors in the suits bided by opener. Thus, the bid of 3nt is unthinkable because Opener have a weak hand. So with an Ace in the unbided suit, any 4 cards support in Diamonds and a King in the major bidded by Opener Responder should try 5. Auction development when Opener jump to 3nt after Responder bids 1nt Opener Responder 1 1nt 3nt <= 18-19 hcp possible both major pass => nothing to do Auction development when Opener asked for aces after Responder bids 1nt Opener Responder 1 1nt 4 <= Gerber - special hand - final contract 5 or 6 depends on aces (possible hands: AKQx x AKQ10xxx x / x KQJ10 AKQ10xxx x) Opener Responder 1 2 => GF - 12+ hcp => read 1d-pass-2c-GF.htm Auction development when Opener bids 1 and Responder bids 2 Opener Responder 1 2 => 4+ 10+ hcp - need read => inverted-minors Auction development when Opener bids 1 and Responder bids 2/2 Opener Responder 1 2 <= weak 6 cards - less than 6 hcp 1 2 <= weak 6 cards - less than 6 hcp In both situations Opener need prudence and may stop the auction with pass, but if Opener have 4 cards support and 18-19 hcp there are hope in 3nt game considering 6 tricks in the weak suit and entries to finesse in other suit. In fact Opener having fit may search for a singleton in Responder's hand bidding 2nt (after agreement with partner) and if Responder has no singleton he rebids his suit. This allows better decision from Opener in play 3nt or in a major at level 4. Corrolary: whitout fit there are no hopeless so Opener should not try a fit in other suit, even with 5-5 hand, it is prudent pass with singleton considering that bridge is played for better probability. / / / |